Stomped on woman’s head at party – two arrested

Stomped on womans head at party two arrested

Published: Just now

full screen Two men with connections to criminal networks in Malmö have been detained on suspicion of several cases of aggravated assault and assault of the normal degree. Archive image. Photo: Johan Nilsson/TT

A woman was stomped on the head and three other people were subjected to serious violence in Malmö within a day.

Now two men with connections to the city’s gang milieu have been arrested on suspicion of several cases of serious assault, Sydsvenskan reports.

The two men, aged 23 and 33, together with several other people, are said to have appeared at a midsummer party in Malmö. After lingering at the party, they allegedly assaulted two people unprovoked, according to the prosecutor.

– One of them is badly beaten, it’s a girl who gets stomped on the head, says chamber prosecutor Adrien Combier-Hogg, to Sydsvenskan.

The police were called, but when they arrived the men were gone.

A day later, the suspected men were at a pizzeria where they allegedly uttered racist slurs at other visitors. People who spoke up were allegedly jumped on and a man who intervened was knocked to the ground and stomped unconscious, according to the suspects.

The 33-year-old was arrested shortly afterwards, while the 23-year-old was arrested a few days later. Both have now been arrested on suspicion of several cases of aggravated assault and assault of the normal degree.

In the attack on the restaurant, the men, who have been convicted multiple times in the past, are suspected of having a hate crime motive, which can form a basis for a tougher sentence.
