Stomach ulcer: symptoms, how does it start?

Stomach ulcer symptoms how does it start

The main symptom of a stomach ulcer is severe pain in the pit of the stomach. When to worry? What is the treatement ?

What is the definition of an ulcer?

A gastric or duodenal ulcer refers to a wound in the inner lining of the stomach or duodenum (there part of the intestine following the stomach). This wound results from a imbalance between the acidity of gastric secretion (which allows digestion) and the defense mechanisms of the stomach which protect it from this acid action. These become insufficient, the gastric liquid attacks the mucous membranes, which leads to inflammation, then an ulcer.

Can you die from a stomach ulcer?

In most cases, medical treatment allows the ulcer to heal and relieves symptoms. In the absence of treatment, complications can occur such as hemorrhage or more rarely, perforation of the digestive mucosa. Gastrointestinal bleeding requiring hospitalization is responsible for approximately 6% of deaths.

What are the symptoms of a stomach ulcer?

The symptoms of a stomach ulcer or a duodenal ulcer vary from person to person and according to the intensity of the manifestations. Peptic ulcer is manifested by:

  • a pain in the epigastric region (located above and in the middle of the belly),
  • a pain cramp-like or a painful feeling of hunger.
  • pain occurs 1 to 3 hours after a meal and fades with eating
  • pain evolves in bursts of a few weeksbetween which it no longer manifests itself.
  • there feeling of being quickly full may also be present,
  • belching (burping)
  • intestinal bloating

Some forms of ulcers cause no symptoms : in this case, only an endoscopy can reveal their presence.

What foods should you avoid with a stomach ulcer?

There are certain measures to prevent a stomach ulcer such as:

  • limiting the consumption of strong alcohols,
  • of coffee
  • spices (especially mustard and pepper) but also all the spicy foods.

The fact of eat slowly, chew well and do not lie down directly after the meal in the evening also help to minimize the risk of stomach ulcers. It would not be wise to draw up an exhaustive list of foods that are good because they vary from person to person. However, it would seem that milk and all dairy products can have a soothing effect on pain. This is not always the case, as many people have difficulty digesting lactose.

Diagram of a stomach or duodenal ulcer © 123rf/JournaldesFemmes

What are the causes of stomach ulcer?

► Inflammation of the gastric mucosa is due, in most cases, infection with the bacterium Helicobacter pylori. This bacterium is most often contracted by mouth in childhood. In France, it is estimated that 15 to 30% of the population carries this germ.

► The taking nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (aspirin, ibuprofen, codeine, etc.) is the second leading cause of the appearance of a peptic ulcer.

► Other factors, which increase acid secretions, also contribute to the formation of an ulcer: smoking ; the consumption ofhighly acidic or spicy foods, coffee, tea or alcohol ; or, prolonged stress.

After one palpation of the abdomen and the search for possible contributing factors (drugs, tobacco, food, etc.), the detection of the presence of H. pylori and/or upper digestive endoscopy can confirm the diagnosis. A oesogastro-duodenal fibroscopy is performed during which the characteristic lesions are observed using a mini-camera passed through the digestive tract through the mouth and samples (or biopsies) are taken for analysis. This biopsy makes it possible to rule out the thesis of a cancer of the stomach, but also to seek by various tests the presence of the bacterium Helicobacter pylori. A blood test is frequently done and can also look for specific antibodies to this germ.

What are the treatments for stomach ulcer?

A medicine that reduces acid secretions is usually prescribed. It quickly eliminates symptoms while promoting ulcer healing. If Helicobacter pylori infection is confirmed, a antibiotic complements the treatment. There surgery such as removing part of the stomach (gastrectomy) or cutting a nerve (vagotomy) is considered for the most complicated cases (haemorrhage, perforation or ulcers resistant to appropriate medical treatment), but it remains rare.

When to consult in case of stomach ulcer?

All gastric pain is not necessarily due to the presence of an ulcer! A gastritis or one reflux gastroesophageal, in particular, are common. To remove any doubt, it is nevertheless advisable to consult a doctor, who will refer you to additional examinations if necessary. An untreated ulcer can indeed lead to complications such as gastrointestinal bleeding or perforation of the gastric or duodenal wall.

Validated by Dr Richard Handschuh, general practitioner.
