Stolen trampoline and bike at Biltema – paid for plastic ball

Stolen trampoline and bike at Biltema paid for plastic

It was at the end of April that a 29-year-old woman visited Biltema in Kristianstad on two occasions. By chance, the staff discovered that the woman had picked up a large amount of goods, but only paid for a plastic ball, writes Kristanstadsbladet.

When they looked up receipts for other purchases the woman had made at the store, they discovered she had done the same thing on a previous occasion.

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Accused of stealing SEK 8,661 from Biltema

On the two occasions, the 29-year-old had brought with him a large amount of goods such as a trampoline, a garden bench, a child’s bicycle seat and a women’s bicycle, with a total value of SEK 8,661.

According to the indictment which News24 informed, the woman denies the crime.

– I know that I have been to Biltema and shopped, but it comes as a shock that I am suspected of theft. It was not my intention to steal, says the 29-year-old in police interrogation, according to Kristianstadsbladet.

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