Stockholm Pride condemns Serbian pride statement

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Europride was scheduled to take place between 12 and 18 September. According to Stockholm Pride, the president’s actions are “unacceptable and unjust”.

“Especially considering that the Constitutional Court of Serbia previously considered the bans of the parade in 2011, 2012 and 2013 to have been a violation of the constitution,” they write in a press release.

According to the president, the reason why Europride is canceled is that Serbia is struggling with a series of problems – including the Kosovo crisis and a failing economy, as well as the risk of clashes during the event.

However, being able to carry out and participate in a safe and secure pride parade is a right that belongs to everyone in Europe, according to Stockholm Pride.

“Stockholm Pride will be present during Europride in Belgrade and we will participate in the parade on September 17, whether it is permitted or not. We stand in solidarity with the pride organization in Belgrade,” they write in the press release.

Every year, the organization European Pride Organizers Association selects a city in Europe to organize Europride, a pan-European event to highlight LGBTQ issues.
