Stina Nilsson’s great confession about the debut season in Långlopp

Profit in Vasaloppet and win in Birkebeinerrennet.
Stina Nilssons is making a success in the Long Race Cup.
-I walk on clouds, and didn’t think I would win those two races for the season, says the 31-year-old.

On the question of which grade Stina Nilsson putting on his debut season in Ski Classics, the answer will be obvious.
– It has been incredible. I can’t say anything else now that I have won both the Vasaloppet and the Birkebeiner, it would just be wrong, she says at a digital press conference.

Stina’s big success

The former Olympic and World Cup gold medalist in traditional cross-country skiing has dominated in recent weeks competitions in the long-run cup with two straight first places.

Read more: Stina Nilsson’s completely bell -clean words in Norway surprising everyone

She has really dotted the form at the right time.
– Of course I have some experience in how I find the form for a specific competition. But now it was most luck as I was sick in January and couldn’t train as much as I wanted. But I got healthy in time and could train continuously for a few weeks before the Vasaloppet, and really find the right one.

As a debutant in the Long Race Cup, she has constantly evolved and accumulated experience around the technical pieces, how she sets up the race strategically and how she takes in energy during the course of the competition.
– For me who has not done this before, I get better and better for every race I can do. They become like training for me. So Vasaloppet made me stronger than before I think.

Read more: Johanna Hagström’s words about former sprint rival Stina Nilsson

“Can only hope”

Now, on Saturday, she gets the chance to take the third straight victory when the Long Race Cup continues in Norway with the competition Marcialonga Bodø.

Can you keep the shape?
– I don’t usually know what form I have before the race, but I can only hope it lasts. But we’ll see, says Stina Nilsson.

What do you think of Stina Nilsson as a skier? Share the article and say your opinion!

Facts: Ski Classics

• What is Ski Classics?
Ski Classics is a long -running cup in cross -country skiing. The riders run in different teams, which means that you do not compete for their country but for a team with several different nationalities in.

There is a cup between the teams, but also a women’s and men’s cup respectively. Maximum points for victory in a competition are 500 points, where subsequent investments receive points in falling order.

• Total position the women’s class:
1. Anikken made Alnæs, Norway, 3,430 points
2. Emilie Fleten, Norway, 3 319
3. Jenny Larsson, Sweden, 2,765
4. Stina Nilsson, Sweden, 2,730
5. Silje Øyre Slind, Norway, 2 595

• Remaining competitions (11 out of 14 have been settled):
Marcialonga Bodø, March 22.
Reistadløpet, March 29.
Grand Final Summit 2 Senja, March 30.

