Still yes to abortions after recount

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Less than 100 votes differed from the previous result. The electoral authority explains the differences with the human factor – for example, that those who voted were unclear when they ticked their choice on the ballot papers.

On August 2, Kansas residents voted on whether to keep existing abortion laws or tighten them. 59 percent voted to keep the existing legislation in a referendum with clearly higher turnout than had been expected. In Kansas, it is allowed to carry out an abortion up to the 22nd week of pregnancy.

The vote was the first of its kind after the Supreme Court of the United States earlier this year overturned the precedential ruling that since 1973 has guaranteed American women the right to an abortion.

According to Kansas law, a recount can be requested if the person requesting it pays for the costs. In this case, it was two people, both active in the anti-abortion movement, who were responsible for the bill of nearly 120,000 dollars, corresponding to over 1.2 million kroner. The money is returned if the recalculation results in a changed result.
