Still warm throughout the country

Still warm throughout the country



fullscreen Sun worshipers in Rålambshovsparken in Stockholm. Archive image. Photo: Fredrik Sandberg/TT

The warm weather continues – at least for a week or so ahead, according to SMHI. But there will be no continued high pressure.

The sun continues to shine over sun-thirsty Sweden, and the temperature is generally above average. The highest temperature measured so far this year was 29.1 degrees in Gothenburg, last Thursday. However, no heat record has been broken.

– We have had a period of warm air, but that is nothing unusual for May. The weather is rarely exactly on average, says Kristin Sahlström, meteorologist at SMHI.

Earlier in the week it was stable with high pressure, and now the weather can become a bit more unstable with showers in its parts. But the warm air remains.

– So the temperature rises quite a lot anyway. But it is a little more uncertain where the rain will come and how much, says Kristin Sahlström.

Now it is also summer in most parts of the country, except for the very northernmost mountains and in parts of Norrbotten, despite the fact that there are also summer temperatures now. The definition of summer is that it is at least ten degrees a day for five days.

The risk of iron nights is not completely gone, but those who want to grow can be happy that it is small.

– I can’t see any iron nights now. There is no risk for the next ten days.
