Still no permanent solution for housing problem Utrecht Cangeroes

Temporary solution to Cangeroes settlement problem

Until January 1, Utrecht Cangeroos rented a room from a commercial landlord. The club assumed to conclude a new lease, but just before Christmas it turned out that the hall owner chose a different party. As a result, the association lost half of the training space. In February, the chairman of the basketball association Theo Slaats told RTV Utrecht: “We have forty teams, so there are two options: either twenty teams start training, or it means that everyone will train for half the time. But we do. have teams in the premier league and promotion division, so you can’t compete at that level if you only have half the training hours.”

A temporary solution to this problem was found in July: Cangeroes was offered alternative halls for all training moments. A definitive solution is not yet in sight, three quarters of a year after the club had to leave their hall.
