still cold relations with Meghan Markle?

still cold relations with Meghan Markle

As the coronation of Charles III approaches and after the last particularly stormy months, where is the relationship between Kate Middleton and her sister-in-law, Meghan Markle? The latest revelations leave little room for doubt.

If the Sussexes’ revelations about the British royal family have set fire to the powder in recent months, we have long known that the relationship between Kate Middleton, Prince William’s wife, and her sister-in-law, Prince Harry’s wife , Meghan Markle, is complicated from the start. In front of the cameras, under the spotlight, nothing seems to be there. The two women have always displayed a beautiful smile and an a priori cordial understanding. But behind the scenes, experts on the British crown agree that the “feeling” would never have really passed. And while the media unpacking of Meghan Markle and Prince Harry has repeatedly exposed the dysfunctional relationships within the family in recent months, Nick Bullen, the co-founder of True Royalty TV, recently makes new revelations about Kate Middleton and Meghan Markle.

As relayed FoxNews, this Tuesday, April 25, Nick Bullen noted that if observers hoped to see something arise between the two women, there was, in reality, “never had a relationship between them”. For him, “it was the brothers – Prince William and Prince Harry – who were arguing, not the sisters-in-law, not the wives”. And the documentary maker who has long collaborated with Charles III to come back to a little anecdote: “I was talking to someone shortly after the Sussexes’ wedding who had had dinner with Kate and she had asked him questions about Meghan, and Kate would then have answered: ‘She is really different [de] all of us.'” In these words, no reproaches or criticisms, but rather an observation: “They simply did not have much in common”, concluded Nick Bullen.


Kate Middleton has become Princess of Wales, a title that hasn’t been worn since Lady Diana’s death. And like William’s mother before her, “perfect Kate” is very popular with the British, she is more so than her own husband but also more than King Charles III and Queen Consort Camilla according to a Yougov poll published in the spring of 2022. Could this difference put some distance between the royal couple and the wife of the future king? Unlikely when it comes to Kate Middleton and King Charles III. The two have been very close in recent years and according to the magazine The List, their good relationship would have started from their first meeting when Kate was not yet engaged to William. Charles III who was then Prince of Wales would have even facilitated the entry of Kate Middleton into the royal family. However, the absence of the Princess of Wales at the king’s proclamation ceremony on September 10, 2022 has raised questions and some have seen the signs of a disagreement between the monarch and her daughter-in-law. If no explanation has been given to justify the absence of the Duchess of Cornwall and Cambridge, the closeness and the gestures of tenderness that Kate Middleton and Charles III still shared in June during the Queen’s jubilee discredit the thesis of the dispute.

Kate Middleton also seems to have a good relationship with Queen Consort Camilla. “They are really close” declared the royal correspondent of Vanity Fair, Katie Nicholl, in July 2022 as reported the news. Some fear, however, that these relations are withering away. The reason ? The popularity and exemplary nature of Kate Middleton which could overshadow the new queen consort. But the difference in popularity between the two women is not new and each knows the place she should hold within the royal family: that of unwavering support for the Crown of England. A role that one and the other have been fulfilling for several years in the greatest discretion but with success, although the latter came with time for Camilla.

Who is Kate Middleton?

Catherine “Kate” Middleton was born on January 9, 1982 in Berkshire. Daughter of Michael and Carole Middleton, a couple who made their fortune with a company selling party accessories, “Kate” is the eldest and has a sister Philippa, known as “Pippa” born in 1983 and a brother, James born in 1987. Her fate turned in the early 2000s when she met Prince William, heir to the British crown, at the Scottish University of Saint Andrews. Married since 2011, the couple had three children and embodies the tradition of the monarchy with a dose of modernity. Kate and William are very popular with the British despite the conflict between them and the couple formed by Harry, William’s younger brother, and Meghan Markle.

His meeting with Prince William

Kate Middleton joined the prestigious University of Saint Andrews in Scotland in the early 2000s. It was there that she met Prince William, whom she quickly dated before living with him in a roommate with three other friends. Their relationship was revealed by the English tabloids in 2003 and they lived together in Saint-Andrews until 2006, when their university course ended. After a brief separation in 2007, the couple’s engagement was officially announced on November 16, 2010, a month after a vacation in Kenya. The engagement of the future king of England according to the protocol made the front page of the English press, especially as Kate displayed in the following days the engagement ring of Diana, the mother of William who died in Paris in 1997.

The wedding of Kate Middleton and Prince William

It was in front of 2 billion viewers that the couple married on April 29, 2011 at Westminster Abbey. Images of a jubilant crowd outside the balcony of Buckingham Palace and in the streets of London have gone around the world. At the same time, the couple received the titles of Duke and Duchess of Cambridge.

The children of Kate Middleton and Prince William

Kate Middleton and Prince William had three children, George born on July 22, 2013, Charlotte born on May 2, 2015 and Louis born on April 23, 2018. In the order of succession to the throne, it is George who is logically called to reign one day, after his father William. The couple and their children settled in Kensington Palace in London, a residence which they left in 2022 for a cottage located on the Windsor estate, near the privileged residence of Queen Elizabeth II.
