Stéphane Plaza case: M6 makes a radical decision and urgently

Stephane Plaza case M6 makes a radical decision and urgently

Following the conviction at 12 months suspended prison sentence for domestic violence of Stéphane Plaza, M6 made a radical decision after an emergency meeting.

Stéphane Plaza Account for the decision of the Paris Criminal Court. Sentenced to 12 months suspended prison sentence for domestic violence against an ex-partner, the star host of M6 was the subject of an emergency meeting on Tuesday, February 18. Not waiting for the second trial, the management of the channel met shortly after the announcement of Stéphane Plaza’s conviction on Tuesday. And the verdict is final.

“Group M6 takes note of the court decision pronounced today against Stéphane Plaza […] as well as the intention of his lawyers to appeal. Pending any legal consequences, the M6 ​​group has decided, as of this day, the deprogramming of the programs in which the host was present. Stéphane Plaza was informed of this decision, “revealed the press release sent by M6 to AFP, from which The Parisian is notably echoing.

Behind the scenes, a sidelining operated for several months already

A radical decision, especially since M6 has long displayed its public support for Stéphane Plaza, from the first revelations of Mediapart, in September 2023. Two internal surveys in M6 and Mediawan, owner of the Prod tank in charge of the Production of his programs, had even established that the host had never gathered with his professional entourage. However, behind the scenes, the leaders had already gradually ruled out Stéphane Plaza, stopping the shooting of unpublished emissions.

In the television program, the presence of the host had thus grown himself in recent months. If from March 9, Stéphane Plaza will completely disappear from the Sunday grid, the star host has only appeared since last September only once in prime time, when the reruns of his programs on weekends have melted as snow in the sun.
