The stepfather covered the two-year-old child with a towel and lifted him up until he passed out. In addition, the boy was forced to eat his own feces.
Now the 35-year-old man is sentenced to six years in prison.
It all came to light when the man’s former partner found several videos in the 35-year-old’s computer. The material had been recorded when the stepfather was caring for a sick child and was alone at home with the boy.
The cut woman then sent the footage to her own mobile phone and to the man’s. Then she sent him a message asking him to come home, collect his things and leave the residence. The woman filed a police report, but by that time the 35-year-old had already deleted a number of files. However, the evidence was still in the phones.
Life threatening condition
Several days later, the man is caught sleeping in his car. On one of the videos found, the man filmed himself holding the child up in the air with a towel around his neck. The content has been reviewed by the chief medical officer at the Medical Examiner’s Office, who states that the child was in a life-threatening condition.
The convicted man has admitted the act but believes that the child was never unconscious.
Forced to eat feces
In the other videos, the child is seen standing in the shower with faeces on his face and body, after which the man forces the boy to eat the faeces.
The man tells the court that he panicked when he saw that the child had covered himself in feces, but states that he does not know why he acted the way he did.
The 35-year-old has previously been convicted of, among other things, threats against officials, drug offenses and animal cruelty. The man has undergone a forensic psychiatric examination where he was judged to be healthy enough for a prison sentence.
The man is now being sentenced for extremely serious assault, child pornography offences, molestation and offensive photography. The penalty is imprisonment for six years.