Step that will revolutionize cancer: the new vaccine provides full recovery … 9 patients were treated!

Step that will revolutionize cancer the new vaccine provides full

Yale University, cancer He achieved a success that will revolutionize his treatment! Experimental study, a personalized developed cancer vaccine 9 kidney He revealed that he had destroyed all tumors in cancer patients. Cancer did not return in patients followed for three years.

According to the news in Dailymail, the vaccine developed by Yale Cancer Center and Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, targeting the remaining cancer cells after surgical intervention protected healthy tissues and destroyed tumors. The vaccine has been designed specifically for each patient’s biological characteristics, allowing the immune system to recognize and destroy only tumor -specific mutations.


A new hope against kidney cancer

This vaccine, developed for the clear cell renal cell carcinoma (CCRCC), one of the deadly species of kidney cancer, managed to completely prevent the return of cancer. The vaccine provided the immune system to recognize and react up to 65 percent of cancer -related mutations and did not show serious side effects.


Dr. “Our aim was to direct the immune system directly to cancer cells. This vaccine, every sick He was prepared for specially, “he said.


Can revolutionize

This important study by Yale University can open the doors of a new era in the treatment of cancer. Currently, the efficacy of the vaccine continues to be verified with wider testing tests. If it succeeds, this treatment may be a step that will revolutionize the fight against cancer.

