Stefan Raab’s new social media campaign angers fans

Stefan Raabs new social media campaign angers fans

On Saturday, September 14the last boxing match between Stefan Raab and Regina Halmich Expectations are high, as it is also suspected that Raab will announce his comeback on TV. To fuel the hype, he posted several videos on his Instagram profile.

Stefan Raab stages himself with Pamela Reif and Michael “Bully” Herbig

Stefan Raab’s Instagram is usually pretty empty. Three posts this year and before that one post from 2018. In April he posted a picture of himself in a fat suit and announced his upcoming boxing match. Raab has been posting on Instagram for a few days now several videos in this fat suit – and with a prominent cast.

First, Raab was seen working on a punching bag and doing push-ups until the fitness influencer Pamela Reif comes into the picture and plays his trainer. In the next video, Pamela Reif takes Raab to the “doctor”, played by Michael “Bully” Herbig.

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Fans are disappointed by Stefan Raab’s social media campaign

The first picture of Raab in a fat suit in April was well received. Comedians like Fabian Köster and Chris Tall made fun of the picture, but most people were happy about Raab’s comeback.

But with this week’s videos, the joke seems to have been told, according to his followers. One Instagram user writes:

“It is so embarrassing and embarrassing. And this fat suit campaign is highly problematic.”

Another person writes:

“What’s that supposed to mean? That’s not really contemporary humor anymore… What’s with the fat suit?”

Other celebrities, influencers or corporate accounts, however, were happy about Raab’s comeback and his loyal humor.

When and where can you see the boxing match between Raab and Halmich?

The boxing match between Stefan Raab and Regina Halmich, called “The Final Fight”, will take place on Saturday at 8.15pm on RTL broadcast or is available as Live stream on RTL+ Tickets for the event in Düsseldorf’s PSD Bank Dome are already sold out.
