Stefan Åsberg: “Migration is an Achilles’ heel for Kamala Harris”

Both candidates are under heavy pressure to come up with answers on how the country’s migration should be controlled after the election on November 5th.

Republican Donald Trump has said he wants to deport up to 20 million illegal migrants if he wins. He made the same promise in 2016 before his time as president, but without later fulfilling it. What he did instead was start building a wall along the US’s southern border with Mexico, a project he says he wants to resume if he wins the election.

Democrat Kamala Harris is described by Republicans as a symbol of failed immigration policy because she was vice president at a time when the number of undocumented immigrants in the country was increasing. Therefore, migration is something of an Achilles heel for her, says Stefan Åsberg. Now Harris says she wants to see increased controls on the US’s southern border, primarily to curb drug smuggling.

Hear more in the video with Stefan Åsberg above.
