Steam: YouTuber shows 1.5 million people how to get games for free

The summer sale on Steam is in full swing. Now a YouTuber has shown how you can get free games on Steam. And Valve, the company behind Steam, reacted quickly.

What kind of exploit is this? The YouTuber “The Spiffing Brit” explained in his video that there is a trick you can use to put games in your shopping cart on Steam and not have to pay for them afterwards.

All you need is the Chrome browser, a Steam account and Paypal. The trick is that Paypal doesn’t notice during the payment process if you add more items to your shopping cart via another browser tab, but the purchase price remains the same.

The YouTuber demonstrates this by putting a game for 0.71 British pounds into his shopping cart and adding another game, which he doesn’t have to pay for when paying via Paypal. What’s strange, however, is that the game he adds isn’t even officially listed on Steam.

The video has been viewed by more than 1.5 million people since July 3, 2024.

Expensive items from Counter-Strike can also be obtained this way

What’s so bad about it? You can also add games and products to your shopping cart that have not been listed for a long time. This includes not only games that you are not allowed to buy or see in Germany, but also items from Counterstrike 2 that have their own shop ID.

“The Spiffing Brit” explains in his video that Valve urgently needs to fix the problem, because otherwise you could get items for free that you can no longer get officially. This includes extremely expensive items from Counter-Strike that can be sold for several hundred thousand US dollars. Not only would this completely disrupt the market, but some scammers could earn millions from it.

How did it end? In a very short edit note under his video, the YouTuber wrote: “Thanks to Gaben, Steam is fixed. I’m not sure about Paypal, but I’ll update this comment as soon as I know more.”

It is not known whether Valve contacted him or whether he tried the exploit again. In any case, the exploit should now be closed.

More about Steam: With the Steam Deck OLED, Valve has introduced a new version with an OLED display. Some games particularly benefit from the better display and the HDR options. MeinMMO presents you with 12 games that you should check out: 12 games that you should definitely try out on the Steam Deck OLED
