Steam Retrospective Launched! – Cepholic

Steam Retrospective Launched Cepholic

Steam, one of the biggest gaming platforms of today, “Steam Retrospective” feature available. Thus, users will be able to see the graphics of the games they played and spent time in 2022.

There is only a short time left for the new year. Especially in 2022, we left behind an active time in the game world. Besides major productions, many games have also entered the esports arena. In addition, there was a significant increase in participation and audience rates in many esports tournaments. In this case, it increased the expectations of the gaming world in 2023.

YouTube and Spotify companies such as companies prepared a report on what users are doing in 2022. In these reports, it was observed what users were watching and listening to. Thus, users shared this data on their social media accounts and had a good time with their friends and followers. It launched this popular feature on Steam for its users as the Steam Retrospective.

With the Steam Retrospective, you can see the number of games you have purchased and played in 2022, the achievements you have achieved from them, and many details. So much so that the feature allows you to see the games you have played the most this year and how many hours you have allocated. You can easily access this feature from the Steam homepage.

The Steam Retrospective feature, which will be implemented first for now, looks like it will continue in the coming years.

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