Steam Released More than 14,500 Games in 2023

Steam Released More than 14500 Games in 2023

Digital game distribution platform Steam, the top name in the industry, released more than 14,500 games in 2023. For Epic Games, this figure was around 9 thousand. Steam, which made a big difference to its rival in terms of the number of games added, also equaled its own record.

Steam Released More than 14,500 Games in 2023

Valve’s digital game distribution platform Steam broke a new record and increased the number of games it published. Steam managed to add more games to the platform in 2023 compared to 2022, breaking a record with 14,531 games. According to this number, the company seems to have added an average of 40 games per day to the platform last year.

of Steam According to data from the database SteamDB, approximately 2000 more games have been added in 2023 compared to the previous year. Steam has been trying to increase the number of games added to the platform in recent years. From 2014 to present Steam game statistics When we look at it, this increase can be clearly seen. It seems very likely that the reason for this increase is Steam Greenlight and Steam Direct features.

Latest game news You can take a look here.

As known Steam Greenlight, It is a method that accelerates the release of new games on Steam with the support of the player community. SteamDirect It is a system developed in which the game creator controls the game developed by sending it directly to Steam. These two innovations are thought to increase the number of games released on Steam. On the other hand, the huge increase in the number of games developed in the gaming industry may also be causing the rapid increase in Steam games.

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Steam Released 36 Games on the First Day of 2024

The development of the gaming industry and the improvement of gaming experiences with new generation technologies enable the number of game developers to increase. In addition, independent games to Steam platform The shortening of the adding process thus allows the number of games offered on the platform to increase.

It is eagerly awaited how many games the platform, which broke a record in 2023, will close 2024 with. According to data, 36 games were already added to Steam on the first day of the new year. The fact that the number of games added on the first day of the new year, when almost everyone is on New Year’s or Christmas holiday, is 36, seems to be a sign of a new record in 2024.

Valve’s digital game distribution platform Adding so many games seems to be a great advantage for game developers. Of course, not all of these games break download or play records, but unexpected projects can also achieve great success. With this application, Steam not only brings the user together with a wide variety of games, but also actually supports game developers.
