Steam: Deadlock’s best hero is like Overwatch’s back then: only good at killing noobs

Valve’s new MOBA Deadlock is still in the early stages of development, but a meta is slowly emerging: a new site tracks pick and win rates. And you don’t need to know anything to play the most victorious character so far.

Which character is this? The character with the highest win rate at the moment is Seven. According to the website, which recently started tracking Deadlock’s data, the hero has a win rate of 58.90%. This is currently the highest.

However, Seven also has the highest pick rate at 93.28%. In addition, the character has been picked in over 850,000 games. This means that the character has made it in 31% of the matches played so far.

You can read why Seven is so good here.

This is Deadlock – The new MOBA shooter from Valve

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High chance of winning, low skill level

Why is the character so popular? Seven is a beginner-friendly hero whose area-of-effect attacks make him incredibly powerful: a well-placed electric attack like Storm Cloud can hit multiple enemies at once. This attack, for example, does 124 damage per second that another player is within its radius.

But single-target attacks can also be extended to multiple enemies using Power Surge: This ability lets an attack bounce around between multiple enemies like a bouncy ball.

What do the players say? Seven makes it incredibly easy for even complete beginners to win deadlock matches. This is exactly what players are currently discussing on Reddit. Here are a few opinions:

  • He clearly has an EXTREMELY low skill level, but can have a huge impact on the game. – CoatEnviromental901
  • He is my crutch. Can’t aim? Don’t get along well in a team? Just go AFK and […]Ultimate farming. – rolandringo236
  • He’s still very good in high elo lobbies. His ultimate is excellent, his jungle is very good for flash farming, his pistol at 3 is insane as a self-buff, and his stun has been buffed massively despite being point-and-click. – True FishyFisyh, a self-proclaimed seven main
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    Which other characters are in high demand? Seven is not the only popular hero in Deadlock. Warden ranks second in terms of win rate with 53.26%. Haze ranks third with 53.18% of matches won.

    But: Although Warden has the second most wins, he is ranked 10th in the popularity rankings with a pick rate of only 49.55%. Haze, on the other hand, moves up one place here – with 92.06% he has the second highest pick rate and is seriously edging Seven’s throne. Vindicta is in third place here with 82.21% – but she only has a win rate of 43.82%.

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