StatisticAll, work on the tenth edition has begun

Istat birth rate still decreasing 379 thousand births in 2023

(Finance) – Work on the first day of the tenth edition of StatisticAllThe Festival of Statistics and Demographywith the patronage of the European Commission and in collaboration with the European Parliament. Four days of events dedicated to “Statistics without borders. Trust, ethics, system: the future of data in Europe” by StatisticAll.

In the rich panorama of interventions in the speech Erasmus generation or brain drain? A story of migrations in Europe – held at 9.30 in Piazza Borsa – Delfina Licata (Migrantes Foundation), Francesca Licari (Istat), Eleanor Voltolina (Republic of Interns Forum) e Julia Shepherdess (Action) moderated by Maximum Taddei (Economic journalist) discussed the phenomenon of youth migration in Europe based on two interconnected dynamics. The emigration of young graduates abroad can be interpreted positively, if seen as a transitory experience of growth and professional training to be reinvested after returning home.

Pastorella started from an analysis of conditions remunerative penalizing for young people (the remuneration of interns has however improved in the last 10 years) up to reflections on freedom come on ties family members and care which leads them to seek opportunities abroad: in 2021, out of 14,000 requests received by international organizations, 5,000 were Italian. The difference with other European countries is substantial: young people who emigrate to other countries then tend to return to their homeland, but this does not happen for young Italians. And politics doesn’t show too much sensitivity on this problem.

The term “brain drain” for Licata it is an obsolete term because in the last 20 years it is also the least qualified who have migrated: out of 10 young people who leave, only 4 are qualified. The number of families who leave with minors is also growing. The reasons are various: the search for work, better pay but also self-fulfillment, desire for parenthood, ease of access to services.

Licari’s Istat point of view focused on internal migration data: 2 million travel personal data 75% is within the borders, among the regions, Emilia Romagna and those of the North-East remain the most attractive. From 2002 to 2022, there were 330 thousand internal movements and 45 thousand abroad.

Also in Piazza Borsa at 10.30 am the dialogue took place “Cohesion, autonomies and territories: how to build a fairer Europe” with Giovanni Vetritto (Presidency of the Council of Ministers), Roberto Samar (Municipality of Gorizia), Massimo Armenise (Istat) and Sabrina Lucatelli (Cultural Association Riabitare l’Italia) moderated by Rosaria Amato (La Repubblica).

The principle “no one is left behind” at the basis of EU cohesion policies is unique in the world for promoting social justice and reducing economic, social and territorial disparities to the benefit above all of the Italian regions, which are among the main beneficiaries of European cohesion funds.

Just them differences territorial were the subject of Amato’s intervention. The South has half the GDP per capita of the North, the highest unemployment and the greatest depopulation, and the PNRR funds do not seem to fill the inequalities. Great there diversification national between metropolitan cities, rural areas, internal areas, areas connected by high speed analyzed by Armenise. European growth rates are distant: only one Italian region ranks among the top 25 of the EU27. The support offered by timely data can be important Censuses for the administrative and policy choices of the territories, to counteract, as Lucatelli observes, also the depopulation of the internal areas which are suffering from the economic cuts suffered and the uncertainty due to differentiated autonomy.

Return the principle Einaudian knowing to decide cited by Vetritto and Armenise who recall the importance of human capital and skills also for local realities.

The sessions morning they end with the speech “Equalities, discrimination and diversity policy: data, gaps and rights“. Cristina Freguja, (Istat) Linda Laura Sabbadini, (Statistics, Chair Women20) Agnese Canevari (Department of Equal Opportunities-Unar) Tommaso Vitale (Institute of Political Studies of Paris) moderated by Stefania Schipani (Istat) addresses the contemporary national and international conference on social justice, human rights and inclusiveness policies.

Schipani introduces Freguia who recalls how Istat has invested heavily in investigations into submerged phenomena And discriminating with complex methodologies aimed at multidimensional and intersectional analyses. citing the survey conducted since 2011 on the “invisibles”.

The international point of view presented by Sabbadini in her experience as an important Chair Women20 in the G20 countries, which still express little sensitivity to the phenomenon discriminatory and they struggle to allocate adequate economic resources in the process of statistical knowledge of these issues. Brazil, Russia, Saudi Arabia have not yet planned investigations into violence against women, while Italy began building social statistics with different and specific methodologies in 1990, carrying forward “the statistics of rights”.

Canevari described the profitable collaboration of the research project between Unar Istat financed with European funds on discrimination in the workplace for workers LGBT+. Vitale concluded the talk with a description of the work carried out in France by the National Commission on Human Rights.

In the early afternoon the activities continue with the meeting “Data security and cybersecurity: a reading of open crises” Giuseppe D’Acquisto (Privacy Guarantor), Stefano Marzocchi (National Cybersecurity Agency) and PierGuido Iezzi (Tinexta Cyber) moderated by Cecilia Colasanti (Istat). Any social, economic phenomenon of interaction between individuals, organizations or objects, therefore any crisis is now digitalised and immediately transformed into data which, as Mazzocchi observes, in an increasingly complex context, must be safe and of high quality.

In the talk “Municipalities in the new European governance of public finance“, with Eleonora Luciani (Ca’ Foscari University of Venice), Marcello Degni (Ca’ Foscari University of Venice) Andrea Ferri (Anci-IFEL), Andrea Benettin (BFF Banking Group), Alessandro Canell (Institute for Finance and Local Economy ),Gianluigi Sbrogiò, (Kibernetes Group) hosted by moderator Stefano Campostrin (Ca’ Foscari University of Venice), we remember the importance of reforms for sustainability of debt public and the promotion of more balanced and inclusive economic growth. The new European governance requires a multilevel approach that involves all institutional actors and takes into account the specificities of the local context.

In the speech that closes the day “Statistical Spritz: Is another Europe possible? European governance and its future“they talk Francis Saracen (OFCE Sciences Po (Paris) ed Elizabeth Secrets (Istat). Europe is at yet another crossroads in its troubled existence, with inflation rapidly coming back under control, we need to return to focusing attention on the structural challenges that the old continent faces.

The Stability Pactcompetition policies, the statute of the ECB, were designed in the 1990s to reduce state intervention in the economy as much as possible, and are clearly unsuitable for incorporating the new paradigm that has been slowly establishing itself in the economy since 2008. academia and large international institutions.
