Statement like a confession from the Swedish official! “Organized criminal gangs finance the PKK”

Turkey statement from Sweden Deal will be fulfilled

Sweden’s Chief Negotiator for NATO Membership Oscar Stenström, regarding the situation of the terrorist organization PKK/YPG in the country, said, “In Sweden, organized crime gangs finance the PKK. Unlike Finland, the PKK has more financial resources in Sweden. ” said.

Speaking to Swedish state radio SR, Stenström said that he is considering contacting Turkey next week for the resumption of the tripartite mechanism meeting on NATO membership between Turkey, Sweden and Finland.

Stenström said, “As there will not be a useful and trustworthy meeting at the moment, it would be meaningless to come together and have talks, and it will probably make the process even more difficult. However, I think I will contact the Turkish side early next week to continue the face-to-face meetings.” used the phrases.


Regarding the postponement of the Permanent Joint Mechanism meetings with Sweden and Finland, Stenström said, “Although it is legal, burning the Koran in front of the Turkish Embassy in Stockholm offended all religions. This is not positive at all for NATO talks, this is a sad situation. and we conveyed our views on it.” he said.

Stenström, who also made statements about the terrorist organization PKK/YPG, drew attention to the fact that the terrorist organization PKK/YPG has more money in Sweden as the reason why Turkey pays more attention to Sweden than Finland.

“In Sweden, organized crime gangs finance the PKK. Unlike Finland, the PKK has more financial resources in Sweden,” Stenström said. said. (AA)
