Statement from Russia about Ukraine’s NATO membership: It is unacceptable even after 15 years

Statement from Russia about Ukraines NATO membership It is unacceptable

Russian President Vladimir Putin stated that taking Ukraine into NATO would be unacceptable even after 15 years and that they would not give up on their goals regarding Ukraine.

An extended meeting of senior officials of the Ministry of Defense was held in Moscow, the capital of Russia. Russian President Putin, Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu and military officials attended the meeting.


In his speech here, Putin stated that the West is waging a “hybrid” war against Russia and providing military support to Ukraine and said, “Recently, NATO’s activities have increased. Serious forces, including aircraft, have been dispatched from the USA to our borders. NATO’ “The number of Turkish military units has increased in Eastern and Central Europe. Finland has been included in NATO and Sweden is also planned to be included. This means the alliance is getting closer to our borders.” said.

Emphasizing that Russia will not give up its goals regarding Ukraine, Putin said, “The West does not give up its strategy of stopping Russia and its aggressive goals in Ukraine. We will not give up our goals with a special military operation. The enemy is trying to show some of the results of its attacks against its masters, causing serious losses and causing great losses.” “He spent a lot of his reserves.” he said.


Putin said that the West aims to draw Ukraine into NATO and said, “They always tell me this, ‘Why are you afraid now, we will not take them (into NATO) now.’ And I answer, ‘This is now, what about tomorrow?’ “This is unacceptable in terms of the historical prospects and strategic interests of the Russian state after 10 years, even after 15 years.” he said.

Stating that Western countries, especially the USA, are using Ukraine for their own interests, Putin stated that he is ready to make an agreement with the West on Ukraine only in line with Russian interests.


Stating that the USA has caused a rift between Russia and European countries by involving European countries in the war in Ukraine, Putin said: “Now they (Americans) are placing the burden of financial responsibility and payments on Europe. The weak will and spineless politicians in Europe are responsible for this.” “It cannot resist. The USA talks about the Russian threat in order not to lose its ownership status on the European Continent. They are very disturbed by Russia’s rapprochement with Europe.” said.

Putin said Russia does not plan to go to war with European countries.


Stating that the war in Ukraine revealed some problems in the Russian army, Putin emphasized that these should be solved, the production capacity of high-precision missiles and unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) should be increased, and air defense systems should be renewed.

Putin said that the role of Russia’s nuclear triad potential has increased and that 15 nuclear attack-capable intercontinental ballistic “Yars” and hypersonic “Avangard” missiles will be put into operation by the beginning of the year.

Stating that they will continue to equip the Russian army with modern weapons, Putin emphasized the importance of meeting the needs of Russian troops fighting in Ukraine.


