Statement by NATO Secretary General Stoltenberg on Russia and Ukraine!

NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg attended a conference in Arendal, Norway. According to local media reports from his statements in Norwegian, Stoltenberg said there is no sign that Russia has given up on its goal of controlling all of Ukraine.

Stating that Russia continues to use the nuclear threat to divide and intimidate the West and end its support for Ukraine, Stoltenberg said he is “absolutely confident that if Russia sees an opportunity to win militarily to take control of all of Ukraine, it will do it.” he did.


Emphasizing that it is important to understand that if Russia stops fighting, there will be peace, but if Ukraine stops fighting, it will be wiped off the map, Stoltenberg reiterated that they will continue to support Ukraine.


Stoltenberg also answered the question about Cabinet Director Stian Jenssen’s words, “Ukraine can become a NATO member in exchange for giving part of its territory to Russia”.

Stating that Jenssen corrected his statements, Stoltenberg underlined that there was no change in NATO’s policy that supports Ukraine’s territorial integrity.

Upon the AA correspondent’s question, NATO confirmed that Stoltenberg attended the conference, but did not share any content.

NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg frequently reiterates that the Alliance supports Ukraine’s territorial integrity, that its membership is only possible after the war, and that it is up to Ukraine to decide under what conditions peace will be achieved.
