State Police and Aspi: first “safety point” opens in the service area

State Police and Aspi first safety point opens in the

(Finance) – The collaboration between the State Police And Highways for Italy in the name of road safety. The latest project is the opening to the public of the first Safety Points in the Casilina est service area (A1 Cassino), a place dedicated to the dissemination and sharing of issues related to road safety and to promote correct driving behaviour. The Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Infrastructures and Transport were present at the inauguration Matthew Salvini, the Chief of Police-General Director of Public Security, Lamberto Giannini, the President of ASPI Elizabeth Oliveri and the Chief Executive Officer Roberto Tomasi.

The “Safety Point” in the service area is one experimentation which aims to be replicated in others strategic points of the motorway network. The plan will continue with the opening, within this year, of another 3 corners in the service areas of San Pelagio est (A13 – Padua); Secchia West (A1 – Modena) and La Pioppa West (A14 – Bologna). Each room inside the corner has been set up to best accommodate travellers, with desks and seats reserved for discussion and dialogue between State Police personnel and users.

This space hosts a multimedia totem which, through new software and the enhancement of the ASPI IP network, will allow video-call connection with the State Police, and consultation of audio-video materials on the road safety: the totem will be connected with the traffic police via the tablets, made available by Aspi, which will be used by police operators to receive video calls from travellers, and thus ensure continuity of service every day with 24 hour assistance.

Also, to raise awareness among the most little ones on the subject of road safety and compliance with speed limits in the corner, one is available “play” space dedicated; there will also be a monitors to promote communication campaigns and broadcast videos on road safety, while the entire set-up was created with graphics from Road Safety Campaign by Aspi and the Police “There are limits to overcome, others to respect”, with an exceptional testimonial: the Paralympic athlete Ambra Sabatini. In June, coinciding with the summer exodus, Aspi will launch a new communication campaign on road safety dedicated to the youngest with specific initiatives in schools starting from the next school year.

“The Safety Point – explains the President of Autostrade per l’Italia, Elizabeth Oliveri – it is a shared space which will not only allow travelers to get in touch directly with the traffic police officers, but which also intends to remind all motorists to respect the highway code and make even the youngest aware of the importance of road safety. A permanent presence that will gradually become an important point of reference on our motorways. In terms of safety, on this occasion we can only confirm our utmost commitment to continue investing in the modernization and upgrading of the motorway infrastructure with a view to continuous improvement of traffic and with the utmost attention also to safety on construction sites “.

There synergy between Aspi and the State Police for years it has been taking shape on the highways with multiple initiatives to support travellers, communication campaigns and dedicated interventions. In support of this collaboration, tools and technologies widespread on the motorway network: from the Tutor system – extended over 1,500 km of infrastructure – to the 2,000 variable message signs and 4,000 video cameras.

“The collaboration between Aspi and the traffic police has a long history behind it – says the CEO of Aspi, Roberto Tomasi – which we are proud to carry forward through a new initiative rooted in the territory and close to people. Safety is our first challenge, understood as road safety, construction site safety, infrastructure safety. In this context, technology is a precious ally”. The hi-tech innovations concern the entire motorway network and affect several sectors. “Platforms like Argo -adds Tomasi -to monitor the state of the infrastructures support us along this path, as indeed the increasingly sophisticated systems for forecasting traffic flows, essential for being able to plan construction sites and guide users in their route choices”. And that’s not all.

“The goals of safety -explains the AD- are also pursued with the help of increasingly smart infrastructures, capable of communicating with the vehicle and sending alerts in the event of obstacles on the route; ‘smart’ lights in gallery, capable of varying in intensity depending on the weather conditions; draining asphalt on almost 100% of the network. Furthermore, the suspension and removal of construction sites on weekends and holidays, or in moments of greater traffic concentration, in accordance with the local authorities they are essential in this game. Finally, the many communication campaigns launched are an essential lever to make users aware of compliance with the rules of the road and to always pay maximum attention to driving. Our plan of infrastructural upgrading, technology and communication has allowed a reduction in accident rates and a consolidation of safety standards. But more can and must be done. With around 3 thousand km of motorway network, the most extensive in Europe and the second in the world for morphological complexity of the territory, it is a priority for Aspi to carry out all possible actions to minimize risks, in the name of increasingly sustainable mobility”.
