State millions for wildlife conservation to be applied for

State millions for wildlife conservation to be applied for

Published: Less than 20 min ago

full screen Now organizations can apply for millions in grants from the wildlife conservation fund. Archive image. Photo: Fredrik Sandberg/TT

Now organizations can apply to the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency to receive a share of the annual government millions that are distributed from the wildlife conservation fund. But a couple of changes have been introduced to the conditions this year.

As before, non-profit nationwide organizations can apply for organizational or operating grants, and the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency may use a maximum of SEK 16.8 million annually for these grants.

What is new now is that only organizations that “promote hunting and other game conservation or other similar purposes that are compatible with the Hunting Act” can receive money.

In addition, a provision on other grants from the wildlife conservation fund during the same grant year is abolished. It will now be possible for both national and local organizations to receive grants under certain conditions, even if the organization has also received other grants from the fund.

The application period runs between 5 September and 10 October. A decision on who will receive money is expected at the beginning of next year.
