State epidemiologist Magnus Gisslén answers questions about covid

State epidemiologist Magnus Gisslen answers questions about covid

Updated 15.47 | Published 15.27

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full screen State epidemiologist Magnus Gisslén Photo: Ines Sebalj

The number of cases of covid-19 is increasing again.

But what to think about when the infection spreads?

Ask your questions to Magnus Gisslén, state epidemiologist and professor of infectious diseases at Sahlgrenska Academy.

  • Hello again!

    One more question:

    How long should you wait before you can take the next dose of vaccine after testing positive for covid?



    If you had verified covid after 1 August and are under 80 years of age, you can skip the autumn vaccine dose unless you have a weakened immune system

    Magnus Gisslén, state epidemiologist

  • How do you know for sure that you have Covid?


    You can only know that if you take a test, PCR or antigen test. But it usually doesn’t matter and we don’t recommend general testing

    Magnus Gisslén, state epidemiologist

  • Had a cold a week ago with fever, headache and cough. Didn’t do a covid test. Tomorrow I have an appointment for the covid vaccine.

    Is it inappropriate to vaccinate so early after the cold?

    Thanks in advance!


    Had a cold a week ago with fever, headache and cough. Didn’t do a covid test. Tomorrow I have an appointment for the covid vaccine.

    Is it inappropriate to vaccinate so early after the cold?

    Thanks in advance!


    Hi, if you belong to a group that is recommended vaccines, I think you should take your dose. There is no danger even if you had covid. If, on the other hand, you have had a confirmed covid, you can wait with vaccination

    Magnus Gisslén, state epidemiologist

  • Welcome! Here you can ask your questions about covid to state epidemiologist Magnus Gisslén.

    He jumps into the chat at 15.45, but you can submit questions already.

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