Starting tomorrow: “The price of a used car will not exceed zero”

Starting tomorrow The price of a used car will not

Announced last week and made a serious impact, the new used vehicle The process officially starts tomorrow for the regulation.

Recently used motor land vehicles marketing by advertisement at a price higher than the current selling price recommended by the manufacturer or distributor. Restricted until January 1, 2024. Here’s the app tomorrow so 15 July 2023 starting from. In this regard, the following was officially stated in detail:We continue our efforts meticulously in order to prevent hoarding and unfair practices and related exorbitant price increases that have disrupted the supply-demand balance in the automotive sector, and to ensure efficiency in the purchase and sale of motor vehicles by re-establishing a competitive, fair and stable market structure in the sector. Within the scope of combating hoarding actions and exorbitant price practices in the automotive sector, our Ministry has decided to take additional measures in order to eliminate practices that cause consumer grievances.


In this context, by amending the Regulation on the Trade of Second-Hand Motor Vehicles, Until January 1, 2024, the marketing of second-hand motor vehicles at a price higher than the current sales price recommended by the manufacturer or distributor has been restricted.. This arrangement 15.7.2023 It will enter into force on the date of the date of publication and covers both individual and commercial announcements of all real and legal persons. Within the scope of this restriction, all real and legal persons will be warned by the “advertising platforms” about the advertisements that may violate the regulation at the stage of posting. Despite this warning, the advertisements given in violation of the said restriction and the information about the advertiser will be forwarded to our Ministry of Commerce by the advertisement platform. Any advertisement contrary to this regulation will be accepted as second-hand motor land vehicle trade by our Ministry, and Administrative fines of up to 300 thousand TL can be applied per advertisement.

Another issue is the restriction on sales that violate the “6 months-6 thousand kilometers marketing and sales restriction”, which was decided to be extended by our Ministry for 6 months (until 1.1.2024). According to this regulation, in addition to those who sell second-hand motor land vehicles with a license to trade, all real and legal persons who sell 3 or more second-hand motor land vehicles without an authorization in a calendar year. Sales contrary to the “6 months-6 thousand kilometers regulation” are prevented by Notary Publics. In the light of the studies carried out by our Ministry of Commerce, second-hand motor land sales records of real and legal persons are under scrutiny. In 2023, individual and corporate sellers who sell more than 3 second-hand motor vehicles without an authorization certificate have been identified and their defenses are requested from these sellers. Administrative fines may be imposed on these individuals in the coming days, taking into account their defenses by our Ministry. As the Ministry of Commerce, our inspections and sanctions continue with full determination throughout the country to prevent acts that may cause unjust treatment to our consumers, by closely monitoring the unjust profit attempts and unfair commercial practices, along with the supply-demand imbalance that is desired to be created in the sector.”
