Started working after Covid-19! Produced a device that destroys viruses and bacteria in the environment

Started working after Covid 19 Produced a device that destroys viruses

Karaoğlan, who started operating at Gaziantep University (GAÜN) Technopark in order to destroy harmful viruses and bacteria during the Covid-19 epidemic, developed a wall-mounted device called “air purger”, which resembles an air conditioner, after about 4 years.

It was stated that the device neutralizes the harmful viruses and bacteria in the air it breathes in by destroying their DNA and RNA, thanks to the UV-C (ultraviolet-C class radiation) placed on the LEDs, and pumps clean air into the same environment.

Karaoğlan said that they started working to benefit society during the epidemic period.


Reminding that harmful viruses and bacteria found in an individual are easily transmitted to other people through the air, Karaoğlan continued as follows:


“We thought of the device especially for our educational institutions. First of all, nurseries, kindergartens, etc., then everywhere the society comes and goes. When a person carrying a cold, flu or viral disease enters the crowd, this disease can spread from his breath to everyone there. Using this device prevents the spread of the disease. All Our aim is to protect the health of the society. The device breathes in the air in its environment, kills viruses and bacteria thanks to UV-C LEDs, and releases clean air into the environment.


There are no chemicals in our devices. Only the LEDs we use kill viruses. According to the license given to us by the Ministry of Health, if our device works for 1 hour in an area of ​​30 cubic meters, it destroys 99.9 percent of the viruses and bacteria in the environment. Our license defines this. We registered our brand. “We received the certificate of sale from the Ministry of Commerce.”

