start and end dates in France

start and end dates in France

When will Ramadan take place in France in 2025? The dates of the month of fasting are brought forward compared to last year.

Ramadan is an important time for Muslims who respect the injunctions of tradition. It brings significant changes to the daily lives of believers: meals are planned around fasting times, with Suhur (pre-dawn meal) before sunrise and Iftar (breaking the fast) after sunset.

When does the month of Ramadan start? This is the question that all fasting Muslims ask themselves every year. And often there is uncertainty about how to set the date, which changes every year.

The start date of Ramadan is still indicative, but we still know when Muslims should prepare for fasting.

This date for the start of Ramadan 2025 is given using the so-called scientific method. The dates of the month of Ramadan (ninth month of the year according to Islamic tradition) can, in fact, be known in advance thanks to astronomical calculations which anticipate the lunar phases and therefore the new moon which marks the start of a new month.

But Islam has many traditions including that of the Night of Doubt, which confirms by observing the sky and the Moon the change of month and therefore the beginning and end of Ramadan. Muslim federations are divided over the method to be used to definitively establish the dates of Ramadan, also the Great Paris Mosque requires that the Moon be seen in the sky. The announcement from the Parisian religious body is therefore authentic and is expected by all Muslims in France every year. The Grand Mosque of Paris is expected to organize a “Night of Doubt” at the end of February.

It is very likely that a consensus will be found on a start date for Ramadan around February 28, 2025. “The religious commission will take into consideration the visual observation of the new moon without excluding the results of astronomical calculations,” said the Great Mosque of Paris last year.

The traditional method of the “Night of Doubt” takes place at the Grand Mosque of Paris twice for Ramadan, before and at the end of the month of fasting. The institution then brings together the Muslim federations of the country for an observation of the moon which determines the entry into a new month in accordance with the lunar calendar. If the crescent moon (hilal) is seen by Muslims in the sky, the month of Ramadan begins the next day, otherwise it begins the day after.

We therefore only know the start and end dates of the month of Ramadan on the 29th day of the month, in this case on the 29th day of the month of Chaabane (eighth month of the Muslim religious calendar) for the start and 29th day of month of Ramadan itself for the end. The Grand Mosque of Paris therefore reminds on its site “that a delay of one day is possible”, from the Night of Doubt, for the entry into the month of Ramadan. The same goes for the end of the month and the entry into the following month, synonymous with the end of deprivations. “This day of difference is due to the observation or not of the crescent moon which marks the beginning and the end of each of the twelve months which make up the lunar calendar on which Islam is based”.

The Eid el-Fitr holiday is one of the most important for practicing Muslims. The month of Shawwal (tenth month of the Muslim calendar) begins precisely with the celebration of the end of the fast of Eid El Fitr. Every year, the breaking of the fast is celebrated on this occasion by Muslims, among friends, families and close relatives and marked by an important prayer in the morning.

There umrah constitutes a form of pilgrimage to the holy city of Mecca (Saudi Arabia). Contrary to hajjthe great pilgrimage, which is one of the five pillars of Islam, umrah is not obligatory. Also note that if the hajj can only be done during the last month of the Muslim year, the umrah is possible throughout the year. However, it is recommended to practice it during the month of Ramadan.

The fourth pillar of Islam is respected by many practicing Muslims in France: according to INSEE, 5 million believers practice Ramadan each year in France. Worldwide, more than 1.5 billion people are affected. During the month of Ramadan, practicing Muslims observe fasting between dawn and sunset.

Beyond abstinence from food and drink from sunrise to sunset, this month is marked by a multitude of deeply rooted traditions which aim, according to Islam, to enrich the spiritual experience of believers. For practicing Muslims, these traditions hold great importance, providing a valuable opportunity for spiritual growth, solidarity and connection with their faith.

At the heart of Ramadan is fasting, one of the five pillars of Islam. This fundamental pillar represents much more than simple abstinence from food and drink during daylight hours. For practicing Muslims, fasting is an act of worship and devotion to Allah. It is a time of physical and spiritual purification, where believers strive to abstain not only from food and drink, but also from harmful behaviors such as anger, slander, and backbiting. Fasting offers an opportunity to strengthen one’s will, patience and discipline, while – according to believers – drawing closer to God through the temporary deprivation of material needs.

During Ramadan, prayer plays a major role in the lives of practicing Muslims. In addition to the five obligatory prayers performed throughout the year, believers devote a significant portion of their daily time to prayer during this blessed month. Special night prayers called Tarawihs are particularly important. These additional prayers, often performed in congregation at the mosque, provide a valuable opportunity to strengthen the spiritual connection with Allah and meditate on the teachings of Islam. Reading and reciting the Quran are also essential practices of Ramadan, allowing believers to deepen their understanding of their faith and find inspiration and comfort in God’s sacred words.

Another essential tradition of Ramadan is that of charity and sharing. During this month, practicing Muslims are encouraged to be generous to those less fortunate by giving charity and organizing meals for the needy. This practice embodies the values ​​of compassion and empathy at the heart of Islam, strengthening community bonds and providing vital support to those in need. Additionally, sharing meals with family, friends and neighbors creates a sense of camaraderie and conviviality that enriches the spirit of Ramadan.

Finally, the culinary tradition of Ramadan plays a central role in the celebration of this blessed month. Practicing Muslims eagerly anticipate the delicious culinary specialties that grace their fast-breaking meals, known as Iftar. These traditional dishes vary by culture and region, but they all share the same goal: to bring families and communities together around the table to share a moment of joy and gratitude after a day of fasting.
