(Finance) – “Yesterday there was the approval in Parliament of the space bill and there were the oppositions that pulled on cArtelli because by now talking about Musk is like sprolquist on the street, it is nonsense, it is anti-Italian, it is against the National interestand “. The vice premier and minister of infrastructure and transport said, Matteo Salvini.” The offers must be evaluated on the basis of technological and economic sustainability, not on the basis of other reasoning, “he explained during a meeting on road safety in the Garmin Italia headquarters in Milan.” A public administrator has the duty to choose the best technologies, The most modern, the most advanced, the safest, “said Salvini, also referring to the debate on telecommunications security.
“I read a company that in a week made more 578% on the stock market on the basis of newspaper articles,” said Salvini, referring to Eutelsat. “A French company with extra-European partnerships, We also read the Far East, who said he was in contact with the Italian government for telecommunications security systems. Then I imagine that someone will check if this more 578% in a week is the son of normality and regularity “.
“I wonder what we are waiting to do what many countries are doing in the world With another large American company, born for the genius of some engineers, I think of Starlink, who has 7,000 satellites in orbit, with much more advanced technology than some French competitors can propose, “said Salvini.” Unfortunately in Italy a political debate is made also on that, “he continued during a meeting in the Garmin Italia office.” When you have to choose a technology not to choose on the basis of sympathies. political colors “.
“In the first two months 55 live lives, 55 less deaths from the carabinieri traffic police compared to last year, 700 less accidents, 750 less injured, means that people are understanding and therefore thank the citizens,” said Salvini, speaking of the new Traffic Laws On the sidelines of an event on road safety at Garmin Italia. “I thank the boys, because saving lives is the goal of this code, not to punish anyone but educate to road safety – he continued -,, So I’m happy, I hope these good results, because every life saved is a success, for me it is an emotion, they go on even in the coming months “.