A great free ship in Starfield KeplerRIf you want to get to , you can get it easily as long as you know the answers to some questions. In this article, we will show you how to avoid making any design mistakes in the Overdesigned mission.
Starfield Overdesigned mission
After completing the High Price to Pay main story quest, return to the Lodge in Jemison and chat with Walter Stroud. He’ll feel a little sad after the mission, but he’ll say he’ll feel like he’s starting to understand you a little more. In fact, he will ask you for help with the job he cannot do and will send you to his shipyard to design a ship.
Step 1 – Talk to designers
Go to Stroud-Eklund Staryard, where you will meet a character named Jules. He is the chief designer there and you will work with his team to design the new ship. They will be a little territorial at times, but to keep them around, be nice to everyone.
The first thing you need to do is decide on a budget. Jules will go for a low budget ship, but you can convince him to build a high budget ship. You’ll have to pass some persuasion tests here, so it’s time to save some money. If you haven’t invested it yet, you can add a skill point to the Persuasion skill.
If you wish, you can withdraw from the persuasion dialogue options if you are afraid that you will fail. This will create a chance to pay 100,000 Credits of your own money to cover the expenses. If you use this option, you can earn your money back quite quickly.
The important thing to realize here is that the higher budget ship is the Kepler R. If you choose the lower budget option, it will be the Kepler S, and you won’t be able to get the Kepler S if you go this route. Just save at the beginning of the persuasion section and reload if necessary.
Step 2 – Do some market research

For the next step, you need to complete several tasks. I’m not sure if they’ll be exactly the same for you, but I have a Bounty Hunt mission and an Escort mission. I had two options for each, and one of them was always on Alpha Centauri, so I chose those to save time. After finishing these Stroud-Eklund StaryardGo back to . Make sure you complete one of each mission type because if you don’t you will be dropped at the end of the mission. Kepler S you will receive.
Step 3 – Seeking compromise from designers

Now, it’s time to chat with the design team. They’re eager for feedback, and you’ll have to go through a series of dialogue options. Make sure you stay positive towards the team. You can choose the first dialogue option with each of them, then react positively to what they say.
Be sure to chat with Jules again in this section and give her feedback as well. Not everyone will agree, and Jules will tell you that the team cannot come to an agreement. Tell him that you think it’s important for people to be willing to compromise with each other.
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Once this is all done, return to Jemison, go to the Lodge, and chat with Walter Stroud again. He will be very pleased with you and will promise you a ship. If you did everything right you should get the Class C Kepler R.
How to get Kepler Class R

After completing the Overdesigned quest and talking to Walter, return to the Stroud-Eklund Staryard. To get Kepler Class R, you’ll need to dock with it outside the space station. Approach the ship and then board the ship. If you want, you can go to the cockpit and fly the ship to Jemison. The ship will become your new Mothership, or you can visit any Ship Technician to change your Mothership if you wish.
Kepler Class R statistics

- Fuel – 2800
- Hull – 999
- Cargo – 3550 (0 protected cargo capacity)
- Reactor – Class C
- Crew – 6
- Jump – 28 LY
- Shield – 805
- LAS – 38
- HONEY – 44
We apologize for any inaccuracies in the statistics above. You can’t view stats in the game outside of the influence of your skills, so it becomes difficult to know what the stats would be like without any skills affecting them.