Starfield comes out without DLSS, but the door is open for the future

AMD opens DLSS door for Starfield We dont get in

The long-awaited huge space-themed game starfield now it comes out definitively without DLSS but for the future the door is open.

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim And Fallout The name behind legendary games like 4 Bethesda developed by starfield for sure in today’s early access release for Nvidia DLSS support is not offered. So directly FSR 2 (FSR 3 not yet availableThe game that comes with ) is ahead DLSS Does it gain support? The answer is no, as we’ve learned recently. Because an important AMD authority is within the scope of its statement. Said there was nothing preventing Bethesda from adding DLSS to Starfield. We still don’t know with 100 percent certainty whether DLSS will be supported, and strangely enough about the process. Bethesda side is not making an official statement. However, AMD very clearly told the company, “You are not allowed to add DLSS to the game” or that they do not make a statement such as It states that they are not blocked. This is a good development and it is expected that Bethesda, which is still a hardware partner of AMD, will bring DLSS technology to the game after 2-3 updates. Nvidia is thought to be very enthusiastic in this regard, since DLSS technology is still hardware. It offers better quality and performance compared to FSR. The first reviews for the game released today seem to be generally very good and positive despite numerous criticisms. It will really be played against us for years (Especially thanks to the mod support.) is a huge space RPG.
