Starfield Cheats and Console Commands

Starfield Cheats and Console Commands

With Starfield cheats and console commands, you can even own the best spaceship in space at the very beginning of the game.

Bethesta’s new game got its cheats as soon as it came out. In this article Starfield cheats and console commands You can find their use with . The commands are very similar to the commands in Skyrim or Fallout games. In Starfield, you will need a lot of money at the beginning of the game for things like equipment, hiring people, buying new ships.

If you do not want to deal with this business, we will give below Startfield money cheat You can get them without any hassle. There are locked chests and doors in many parts of the game. You can get the key needed to open these doors or chests by command.

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How to Use Starfield Cheats and Console Commands

Starfield cheats and console commands Using it can adversely affect your enjoyment of the game. You may easily get bored with the game, as it makes the game easier to get some ships and weapons at the beginning of the game. Commands can also cause a lot of bugs and game crashes. That’s why we strongly recommend that you get your records before using them.

How to Use Starfield Cheats and Console Commands

How to Open Starfield Console?

To use the console in Starfield, you must press the about (~) key. The game will pause and the console will open in the lower half of the screen. You will get a warning that using console commands will disable achievements and you have to press the same key again to close the console, then click OK or press E to clear the warning. The warning only occurs when you first open the console in the save you are playing, and you will not see this warning again until you restart the game.

When you touch the (~) sign again to reopen the console, you will be able to enter the codes below. Hit enter after typing each code and when you’re done press the same key to close the console again.

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Most Used Starfield Commands

In order to activate Starfield cheats, when you type “God mode”, you need to type it again to be active and inactive.

  • tgm = God mod opens. It makes you invulnerable, gives unlimited stamina and load carrying capacity. You can turn this cheat off and on.
  • tcl = Gives the ability to walk through walls or walk in air. You can turn this cheat off and on.
  • tai = Used to turn the AI โ€‹โ€‹of NPCs on or off. When you use it, the NPCs will stay in place without doing anything because their artificial intelligence is turned off.
  • player.additem 0000000f [#] = When you delete the parenthesis and enter the value you want, it will give you as much gold as the value you entered.
  • player.additem 0000000a [#] = When you delete the parenthesis and enter the value you want, it will give digipick as much as the value you entered.
  • player.setav carryweight [#] = When you delete the parenthesis and enter the value you want, you will have the carrying capacity as much as the value you entered.
  • player.setlevel [#] = When you delete the parenthesis and enter the value you want, you will have as many levels as the value you entered.
  • tm = Hides the game’s interface. When you type it again, the interface will come back. It is a nice option for taking screenshots.
  • tfc = Switch to free camera
  • tmm 1 = Marks all positions on the planet’s surface. It is a command that cannot be removed again.
  • kill= After opening the console, click on the NPC you want to kill and then type kill. NPCs important to the story cannot be killed.
  • resurrect = Used to revive any dead NPC.
  • killall= Kills all enemies and NPCs in your area. You can also use this command in space.
  • tcai = Inactivates NPCs while fighting NPCs.
  • player.additem [Item ID] [#] = Adds a special item you want to your inventory. In the item id section, we will explain how to get the ids of the items below.
  • player.setav speedmult [#] = When you delete the parenthesis and enter the value you want, your walking speed will increase as much as the value you entered.
  • player.setav health [#] = When you delete the parenthesis and enter the value you want, you will have maximum health as the value you entered.
  • sexchange = Changes your character’s gender and its appearance becomes the standard skin.
  • psb = Adds all Starfield powers to your character.

How to Get Item ID?

For Startfield cheats, you must first open the console. After opening the console, you need to write the name or part of the name of the item whose id you want to get. For 43. ultramag ammo, you can find the id of the item by typing “help ultramag”.
