Star Wars reacts correctly, but much too late

Star Wars reacts correctly but much too late

The launch of Obi-Wan Kenobi and Star Wars Celebration: The Last Days provided ample opportunities to get lost in a galaxy far, far away. However, the arrival of the latest Star Wars series on Disney+ has been of a series hateful reactions accompanied, who particularly met actress Moses Ingram.

Taking to Instagram yesterday, the Obi-Wan villain Reva cast member shared some of the racial slurs she’s hitting on the social media platform. She’s not the first person by toxic Star Wars fans is attacked. Lucasfilm takes their side with a clear statement – ​​but is that enough?

After Racist Comments: Star Wars Defends Obi-Wan Star Moses Ingram

After Ingram appeared in several Insta-Stories (captured in a video on Twitter ) talked about the experienceswhich she has garnered since the launch of Obi-Wan Kenobi with certain pieces of fandom, Lucasfilm expressed its full support for the actress through the official Star Wars account on Twitter.

We’re proud to welcome Moses Ingram to the Star Wars family and excited to see how Reva’s story unfolds. If someone intends to make her feel unwelcome, all we can say is: We fight back.

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A few hours ago, a video was added in which Obi-Wan actor Ewan McGregor made the hate comments condemned in the strongest terms.

As the lead actor and executive producer of the series, I just want to say that we stand behind Moses. We love Moses. And if you send her bullying messages, I don’t think you’re a Star Wars fan. There is no place for racism in this world. And I fully support Moses.

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From Ahmed Best to Kelly Marie Tran, the lack of backing in the Star Wars franchise is problematic

The fact that these reactions come from the official side is an important sign – and long overdue. Lucas Film has too often silentwhen actors and filmmakers have been attacked by fans with racist and sexist statements in recent years, sometimes with devastating consequences.

Jar Jar Binks actor Ahmed Best opened up four years ago about suicidal thoughts he had as a result of the Backlashes from the fans would have. Kelly Marie Tran, John Boyega, and Daisy Ridley (Rose, Finn, and Rey from the sequel trilogy) were also regularly targeted based on race and gender. They were often left alone with it.

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One of the saddest cases is Jake Lloyd, who played young Anakin Skywalker in Star Wars: Episode I – The Phantom Menace. At the age of just ten he was born with a faced an unbelievable wave of hate, which was additionally reinforced by the fast communication channels of the Internet. Two decades later, these incidents are repeated, although the problem is well known.

Lucasfilm has been in the past only rarely defensively behind the stars of the star saga. One exception is a supportive tweet following Boyega’s emotional Black Lives Matter speech at a 2020 demonstration in London. Most of the time, however, there was no support from those responsible.

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Whether a series of tweets is enough to give Ingram the necessary support is questionable. Nevertheless, something is happening at Lucasfilm that gives reason for hope. After several years of promoting diversity in front of and behind the camera, the studio is finally building it too support of his talents out.


John Boyega and Kelly Marie Tran in Star Wars 8: The Last Jedi

A few weeks ago, for example, a detailed interview with Kelly Marie Tran was published on the official Star Wars website, in which she looks back on her Episode 8 casting and positive and negative experiences Splits. There was also support when Tran was on stage at the Star Wars Celebration over the weekend.

After years of being a passive companion to the franchise, the Star Wars Twitter account now has a social media team behind it that communicates directly with fans. Funny memes and GIFs about new Star Wars projects are shared, but also very direct words, when it comes to hate and insults. This is a good start to put toxic content on an equal footing.

In retrospect, Lucasfilm is still alarmingly late in reacting. For over 20 years, the studio problematic fan groups at best ignored. Or even accommodated them when dealing with the characters of Ahmed Best and Kelly Marie Tran. The fact that Moses Ingram is now going through something similar is infuriating. In view of the long period of inaction by those responsible, it comes as no surprise.

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