Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic Release Postponed!

Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic Release Postponed

Star Wars Knights of the Old RepublicIt turns out that the release of ‘s has been postponed indefinitely. According to a report, the studio behind the project Aspyr Media, How will the project continue after a few important names leave the project? trying to find.

from Aspyr two studio headstold employees this month that the game will be delayed as the studio looks for new contracts and development work. At the end of last month on June 30th Aspyr’s for the game A demo to show Lucasfilm and Sony It turned out that he had succeeded in finishing it.

It turns out that Aspyr is aiming to release Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic later this year. However, this may no longer be a realistic goal. According to some developers, 2025 more realistic history.

Developer Saber Interactive officially jumped on the project in May after initially only taking on the outsourcing business. Now some staff at Aspyr, Saber will take over completely says.
