Star Trek MMORPG lets you change gender and species – This is what is being discussed

The MMORPG Star Trek Online shows us the future: From May 28th there will be a new cash shop item, the “Captain Alteration Token”. With this new feature, players can change their characters. They can even customize their species.

This is the new feature:

  • The new token costs 750 Zen. If you buy 3 tokens, you pay 1,500 ZEN. The smallest package of ZEN costs €9.99 and grants 1,265 ZEN.
  • With the token, you can transform your captain into the species and gender you want, while retaining your progress.
  • This will make it possible to play races that didn’t even exist when the character was created. But there are limits to this, as not every faction can play every species: a Vulcan who works for the Dominion is therefore out of the question. The bridge officers also cannot be transformed, only the captain.
  • The MMORPG Star Trek Online was released in February 2010. The game now runs on POC, PS4 and Xbox One:

    Star Trek Online: Ascension Launch Trailer

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    This is how it went at the traffic lights: In Germany, the law on “self-determination with regard to gender registration” was controversially passed by the Bundestag on April 12th, with 372 votes in favor and 251 against.

    The law had considerable social explosiveness. Politician Sahra Wagenknecht called it “absurd”. It was a “policy driven by ideology, which is celebrated in certain sects.” (via tagesspiegel)

    In the MMORPG, the reasonable price is particularly praised

    This is how it is discussed in the MMORPG: Star Trek Online is much less controversial:

    The user duncanidaho11, apparently a fan of Dune, says: The price is just right. Not too expensive, but not so cheap that you can constantly change species. He plans to change his character from human to alien. That suits his captain better now. And he could really use the extra slot for a trait.

    Inferiority also praises the price: Some tokens in Star Trek Online are ridiculously expensive, but this one is just right. Neither idiotically expensive nor far too cheap.

    A third user, however, criticizes the restrictions as being too restrictive: In Kirk’s era, hardly a Klingon or a liberated Borg could have been part of the Federation.

    Nobody talks about the possibility of changing one’s gender at will.

    If you want to experience SF adventures on the PC, like in Star Trek, we at MeinMMO recommend the strategy game Stellaris, which is not quite Star Trek, but pretty close: In my favorite game on Steam, I eat the universe – resistance is futile
