Actor Chris Pine, who stars in the latest Dungeons & Dragons movie, explains what makes the RPG so great. In his opinion, it should even be played in schools.
At the end of March 2023, Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves, a film based on the well-known pen-and-paper role-playing game from 1974, will be released.
In it, Chris Pine, known to many as the young Captain Kirk in the new Star Trek movies, plays the role of ex-Bard Edgin.
In celebration of the film, the actor gave an interview on March 29, 2023, where he shared his own D&D experiences (via SlashFilm).
Here is a trailer for Dungeons & Dragons:
Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves – Second official trailer of the film
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“I think this is pretty much the coolest thing I’ve seen in a long time”
The actor says he’s fairly new to D&D but was introduced to roleplaying through a relative:
“My entry came through my nephew, who is a huge gamer, and he’s been playing with the same group of kids, with the same Dungeon Master, for six years [Spielleiter in D&D]. He wrote his own campaigns and drew his own maps.”
Pine’s nephew guides the whole family through one of his self-penned campaigns. The actor notices how accessible the game is, even for newcomers.
In his opinion, what counts is less the specialist knowledge than the ability of the participants to act and improvise: “They say: ‘This is how it looks. That’s what you have. This is your obstacle. Now go.'”
The whole family has a lot of fun on this evening and Pine sees a huge potential of the game for schools:
[…] Why I think it should be played in schools is because it immediately teaches collaboration. It trains the imagination. It’s fun, it’s improvisational.
And within minutes everyone is on the same page. You don’t argue about whether you’re cool or not. There is some debate as to whether or not you should have climbed the rock to slay the dragon […].
Chris Pine via
The actor adds that the game night of the ancient role-playing game was an absolute highlight for him: “I think that’s pretty much the coolest thing I’ve experienced in a long time”.
If you are still not sure whether Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves is the right thing for you, you will find an opinion article by MeinMMO editor Benedikt Schlotman on the fantasy film:
The new Dungeons & Dragons movie is a must for every gamer and MMORPG fan