At the Star Citizen developers’ annual CitizenCon there was an update on Squadron 42 and the presentation of the planned release period. MeinMMO summarizes the most important things for you.
What has been announced for Squadron 42? On the first day of CitizenCon 2954 there was an update and fresh gameplay for the single-player release of Star Citizen. The most important insight from the video:
Although, according to Chris Roberts, Squadron 42 should be “feature complete” since October 2023, the release is not planned until 2026 (and therefore around 14 years after the announcement in the Kickstarter campaign in 2012). So you have to be patient for at least another 14 months and a few days. It may be almost 26 months (or more if there is another postponement).
Here’s the outlook for Squadron 42’s campaign so far:
Star Citizen shows the Squadron 42 campaign in the trailer
More videos
What does the gameplay reveal show?
If you would like to give the long presentation yourself, you can do so here:
“LoL, a decade after the first release date”
How is the community reacting to the announcement? Of course, the release year is now primarily being discussed on the community platform.
What else do I need to know? The reveal of Squadron 42’s release year comes under the shadow of an insider report based on interviews with more than a dozen sources, which is also supported by the latest financial report and previous reports.
According to this report, Star Citizen and Squadron 42 are said to be financially problematic despite the enormous crowdfunding revenue of more than $728 million. In addition to the critical working environment, boss Chris Roberts in particular is sharply criticized by former and current employees.
The report also states that Squadron 42 is actually only now “feature ready” and that they are working on a third project to create another pillar for financing. More about all of this here: SciFi MMO Star Citizen is said to be heading towards the abyss despite $728 million