The SF mega project Star Citizen has now been in development for 10 years. Fans of the game are currently enjoying a YouTube video in which a developer announces a major internal development step towards “persistent universe”, the day when “everything in Star Citizen” counts like in a real MMO. But from the outside there is ridicule.
How much money has Star Citizen made so far? The SF project Star Citizen has currently generated $496.9 million in revenue from 4.06 million “Star Citizens”. That is 499.2 million euros.
What is the important step? In a 14-minute video, Star Citizen developer Benoit Beausejour explains the important step his team has just taken:
So it’s an internal, important development step, but it has no impact on players at the moment:
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What is the persistent universe? The “persistent universe” ensures that servers in Star Citizen remain stable and every action you take there has lasting effects.
The developer explains it like this:
The system allows us to make the whole game world persistent. We can then restore them at any time, so nothing is lost. The changes that players bring about are significant.
Benoit Beausejour, Turbulent Studios Chief Technical Officer
For players this means:
When will that be in the game? There is no exact date for this yet. The technology boss only says that an important step has been taken to integrate this technology into the main development branch of Star Citizen. The task now is to stabilize this important step.
The video excites core Star Citizen fans.
Star Citizen fans are excited about the announcement
How is this received by fans? The video is enthusiastically received by the fans. It already has 5,470 likes with just over 73,000 views. Fans praise in the YouTube comments that someone speaks without a PR filter:
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How is it seen from the outside? The video is also discussed on the Massivelyop page. Here’s the mood in the comments, ranging from skeptical to hostile (via mop):
You can probably only understand Star Citizen if you are “inside”.
That’s behind it: The view of Star Citizen differs significantly whether you are “in the bubble” or “out of the bubble”.
The step described in the video is incredibly important for insiders and the developers themselves because it shows: “We are moving forward”.
For outsiders, such a step is hardly comprehensible, because these are internal developments that are not talked about in other games. Players usually see it twice: when they are announced and when they go live. Such intermediate steps are usually made internally and not discussed.
Therefore, players from the outside think in dimensions like “beta start” or “release date” as important development steps. You don’t want to talk about that anymore at Star Citizen.
MMORPG Star Citizen talks about release date – fans scoff and groan