St. Pat’s students raise $2,008 for Ukrainian refugees

St Pats students raise 2008 for Ukrainian refugees

A barbecue hot dog fundraiser at St. Patrick’s High School on May 17 raised over $2,000 for the relief effort in Ukraine and to help support Ukrainian refugees in Canada.

Eight hundred hot dogs were scooped up at the barbecue, which was hosted by students and staff of St. Pat’s along with the St. Benedict Council 11164 of the Knights of Columbus. Hot dogs were donated by Wyoming Foodland, buns were given courtesy of Kyle’s No Frills at Indian and London Roads in Sarnia, while pop was provided by the Catholic Women’s League of St. Joseph Sarnia and private individuals. Donations were also provided by the Sarnia Bluewater Roman Catholic Family of Parishes and the Catholic Women’s League of St. Michael Bright’s Grove.

“This event has been a tremendous success,” said Father Dan Vere, associate pastor of the Sarnia Bluewater Roman Catholic Family of Parishes.

“Through the kind generosity of all who supported this fundraiser, we are able to assist the humanitarian relief effort, both in Ukraine and those refugee families who are relocating to Canada. I want to thank all of our partners for helping make this possible.”

Half of the funds raised will go to Caritas, an agency providing relief for families in Ukraine while the other half will go towards Christian sponsors helping refugees relocate to Canada.
