SSU chairman changed party – “disappointment”

SSU chairman changed party disappointment

Published: Less than 30 min ago

Elias Sundberg had been a member of the Social Democrats’ youth association, SSU, since the year he turned 15.

As a 20-year-old, he switched right to left and became a member of the Moderates.

– It was about disappointment with one’s own party. I don’t think the Norwegians are open to new or different ideas, says Elias Sundberg.

Ahead of the elections in September, the parties have begun to intensify their work to attract voters.

20-year-old Elias Sundberg, who was chairman of SSU in Luleå, decided after a period of reflection to leave the Social Democrats in February. In May, he joined the Moderates instead.

– When you sit and think, while you are dissatisfied, you start to wonder what this will lead to, says Elias Sundberg.

full screen Elias Sundberg. Photo: Private

He says that there are several reasons why he decided to leave the party, on the one hand it was about the “slightly rowdy and messy” climate, on the other hand about the political direction.

– Gang members have come up here and shot a woman, and there was a rape in the apartment complex where I live. It is not OK.

Altered vision

In addition to the fight against crime, Elias Sundberg is also dissatisfied with the way the Social Democrats manage the subsidy and tax policy.

– I have always believed in hard work and that you should do the right thing for yourself. It is important that tax money is used efficiently.

Furthermore, he thinks that the migration policy should be tightened and that the defense should be strengthened. In these areas, he thinks that the Moderates follow his own approach better than the Social Democrats.

– It is about values. I don’t like people getting benefits when they can actually work.

“Dare not”

With the Moderates, he will begin his work with the election in August. He does not hold a high position in his new party.

– If the decision had been about ambition or career, I would have stayed in the sossarna, where I had a great position with a lot of influence, says Elias Sundberg.

In the Moderates, he says that he has received a good reception. At the same time, he thinks that the resignation from the Social Democrats could have gone better.

– After I made the decision, not many fellows dared to ask me why I had changed parties. Instead, most people asked someone I know. I cannot explain why this is so.
