(Telestock) – S.S. Lazioa football club listed on Euronext Milan, has closed thefinancial year ended June 30 2024, with a turnover stands at 193.23 million euros, an increase of 43.61 million euros compared to the same period of the previous season. The change was mainly due to the higher revenues from participation in the Champions League.
The value of production is made up of revenues from races for 27.68 million euros, TV rights and other concessions for 142.11 million euros, Sponsorshipsadvertising and royalties for 16.15 million euros, from the management of footballer rights for 2.41 million euros, from merchandising for 2.51 million euros and other revenues and proceeds for 4.63 million euros.
The Gross Operating Result is equal to 39.51 million euros (vs 3.32 million euros the previous year), while thenet profit was equal to 38.50 million euros (vs -29.54 million euros).
THE’net financial debt is negative by 38.12 million euros, with a decrease of 10.08 million euros, compared to 30 June 2023, mainly due to the reduction in self-liquidating financing lines.