SS: Ilmari Niskanen, who played in the national team, was caught in drunk driving in England | In a brief sport

SS Ilmari Niskanen who played in the national team was

Ilmari Niskanen plays in England in the number one league.

Former Kuopio Palloseura player Ilmari Niskanen He is faced with law in his country of residence in England. Savon Sanomat According to Niskanen, after a night out, Niskanen was caught in drunk driving less than two weeks ago.

Niskanen, who plays the number one in the English Exiter City, admits to the magazine and says he is sorry.

– I made an incomprehensible stupid mistake while driving a car under the influence of alcohol, and I really regret it, Niskanen comments to Savon Sanomat.

The limit of drunk driving in England is at least 0.8 ounces, resulting in a ban on driving and fines. According to the magazine, Niskanen does not explain the details of the case in more detail due to his lawyer guidance.

Niskanen has played in the UK for several seasons. He has been a member of the Huuhkaja players. He has played 23 matches on the national team.
