SquareMind: this robot offers a “Google Map of the skin”, which will revolutionize cancer screening

SquareMind this robot offers a Google Map of the skin

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    Skin cancers whose number has tripled in 30 years, appointments with dermatologists increasingly difficult to get… To improve screening, the French start-up SquareMind offers an innovative solution combining robotics, intelligence artificial intelligence and cutting-edge imaging.

    A robot arm navigates around the patient, generating incredible high-resolution full-body image acquisition in just a few minutes. A web application then allows the dermatologist to review the skin of the patient’s “digital twin”, store the images and thus ensure better monitoring. Tomorrow, assistance software based on Artificial Intelligence will help the doctor identify lesions that have appeared since the last visit or even better diagnose them. This is the promise of the solution Squaremind poised to change the future of dermatology.

    The number of skin cancers has tripled in 30 years

    In 2022, around 150,000 skin cancers will have been diagnosed in France, including 15,500 cases of melanoma, the most dangerous form responsible for 2000 deaths per year. Sun exposure and demographic aging explain why the number of these cancers has tripled in 30 years. A trend that could also be influenced by global warming.

    At the same time, the average time to obtain an appointment with a dermatologist is around three months, with strong disparities between regions and especially with more and more French people refusing to seek treatment or screening…

    A French innovation presented at the Vivatech show could change this situation and represent the future of dermatology.

    An innovation developed with dermatologists

    An articulated arm that navigates around the patient, a simple interface… the innovation of the start-up SquareMind doesn’t look like much. And yet…”The dermatoscope (magnifying glass), invented 30 years ago, remains the latest breakthrough innovation in the field of skin cancer screening. Our solution will make it easier to monitor patients, make early detection much more accessible, while digitalizing the practice.” explains Ali Khachlouf, co-founder of SquareMind.

    It offers full-body imaging capability in just a few minutes, zooming in on lesions, up to so-called dermoscopic definition. The unique combination of total body imaging and dermoscopy represents a considerable advance over current solutions. “Our solution was created by working hand in hand with renowned doctors in France, Europe and the United States. Their feedback continues to play a crucial role in the design of the solution which is developed for healthcare professionals.” specifies Tanguy Serrat, co-founder of SquareMind.

    A “Google Map” of each patient’s skin

    In just a few minutes, a digital twin with a complete map of your skin is created. This data is stored in a cloud, which the dermatologist can consult at will. This will also facilitate teleconsultation, with a simple technician taking care of the collection of imaging data.” specifies Tanguy Serrat.

    In addition to being an ultra-precise “Google Map of the skin” (much more than existing whole-body imaging systems can do today), this system makes it possible to evaluate the evolution of your skin over time. : this lesion has appeared, this mole has evolved… An important piece of data that current techniques do not allow (unless we have a dermatologist with an exceptional memory).

    A step forward welcomed by professionals, according to Ali Khachlouf: “Since last January, we have experienced strong enthusiasm for our solution on both sides of the Atlantic. Our whole-body imaging innovation meets a real need for healthcare professionals who wish to integrate it into their clinical routine. Several reference centers in the United States have also shown strong interest in deploying the solution, as soon as it becomes available on the American market.“.

    Coupled with AI, this device will change practice

    Intended for dermatologists practicing privately or in hospitals, this whole-body imaging and Artificial Intelligence innovation is planned for the French and European market in 2024, with a solution rental system. Tomorrow, solutions based on artificial intelligence will make it easier to identify changes between two visits (appearance and evolution of skin lesions) or even to diagnose specific lesions.

    Even if, as Tanguy Serrat points out, the machine is not intended to replace but to help the healthcare professional, we understand that in dermatology and more generally in the field of imaging, artificial intelligence is already revolutionizing the taking in charge.
