Spring detox: foods, risks, for you or not?

Spring detox foods risks for you or not

Spring is a season of renewal that encourages detoxification. But you have to take precautions because the detox is not good for everyone. Advice for a risk-free detox with Dr. Nina Cohen-Koubi, nutritionist.

THE spring is there and as often at change of season comes the desire to detoxify your body. There spring detox is thus acclaimed each year with the arrival of fine weather and the approach of summer. But pay attention to do not give in too quickly to the call of detox ! “For me, we must get out of the term “detox”, highly publicized and which is not not always good for health for the benefit of an awareness allowing improve our general eating habits immediately warns Nina Cohen-Koubi, nutritionist. A detox don’t focus on food it must also take into account the sleep and thephysical activity. SO, how to do a spring detox effective and safe for health? What are the benefits and contraindications? What liver detox?

What is a spring detox?

The term “detox” refers to the word “detoxify” and refers to cleansing the body to eliminate possibly accumulated toxins. “Every year, the media and social networks tell us about detox but carrying out this type of “diet” punctually has limited benefits and can cause harmful consequences for the body if it imposes too many dietary restrictions, for example” warns our interlocutor. If spring “is conducive to rebalancing habits, the term “detox” should be understood in the sense of restoring the balance of food intake, choices and behaviors” she defends.

“We do not impose a brutal and too restrictive detox on ourselves”

Why do a spring detox?

A spring “detox” can help improve what is wrong with eating habits, alone or with the help of a trained health professional to determine areas for improvement. You can also decide to follow a spring detox at the end of winter, after a period of excess (alcohol, rich and fatty foods), to reduce sugar“For example, for a patient who has been out a lot, has drunk a lot of alcohol, we will try to do a detoxifying alcohol cure (zero consumption) for a week or fifteen days” suggests the nutritionist.

It is necessary to explore eating habits, the relationship to food and the psychological profile. Afterwards, a “program” is set up which concerns different aspects of the person’s daily habits. Onne no need for a brutal detox and too restrictive counter-productive and that it will be difficult to respect in time but we rather bet on a gradual development in stages. We adopt rules and rituals over time. For example, someone who is sedentary is not asked to walk miles overnight but rather to increase the steps/distance a little bit every day” advocates Dr. Nina Koubi-Cohen.

Food. In terms of food, we remove foods that are too rich, too fatty and ultra-processed. Adopting the Mediterranean diet is strongly recommended. We favor seasonal fruits and vegetables noon and evening, we preferfish, eggs and lean meat (turkey, chicken) with red meat and we put on legumes (lentils) associated with semi-complete cereals. If you suffer from digestive disorders or colopathy, cook the vegetables to break up the fibers a little. We bet on steamed or en papillote. We eat fruits (apples, pears etc) rather before the meal. THE seaweed is packed with nutrients and fish are rich in omega 3 and vitamin D. Lactic ferments enrich the microbiota and immune defenses (natural sheep yoghurt for example).

Hydration. “Recommend a Sufficient hydration is essential. Reduce alcohol as much as possible. We avoid drinking during the meal but rather before advises Dr. Nina Koubi-Cohen.

Consumption habits.The way of eating must be adapted. Eat slowly, chew food, be aware of what you eat… promote digestion” underlines our interlocutor. We can gradually try to eliminate some “bad” habits such as refilling, for example, to reduce the quantities of food to be digested by our body.

Sleep: relearning how to sleep well is essential. This is explained by a full and restorative night. Poor sleep has consequences on the hormonal system, can be responsible for weight gain and causes a craving for sugar and fat.

Physical activity must be integrated into detox. Between sedentary professions and the advent of telework, some people sit all day. “Walking, the duration of which we increase a little bit every day so as not to stay locked up, is very beneficial supports Dr. Nina Koubi-Cohen.

What are the benefits of a spring detox?

Positive detox aims for an overall balance between biological, mental and hormonal health. She allows to :

  • sleep better
  • regain energy and be less tired
  • regulate weight
  • improve your cardiovascular health (more fish)
  • fight depression and depression.
  • improve your microbiota through the fiber-rich Mediterranean diet
  • better regulate insulin secretion and blood sugar by reducing the feeling of hunger and the work of the liver.

How to detoxify your liver?

Minimize :

  • the alcohol
  • fatty meats
  • the cold cuts
  • cheese
  • “rich” cooking (fresh cream, long cooking at high temperature)
  • industrial products and ultra-processed foods (sweets, appetizers, cakes)
  • the sauces (especially industrial)

Some vegetables are good for the liver, these are artichokes and black radish. In addition, we focus on hydration by taking, for example, chamomile herbal teas. “For those who retain water, cherry stem supplements can to be efficients“ suggests the interlocutor.

Consult your doctor if you feel any discomfort related to your relationship with food.

What are the risks of a detox cure in the spring?

A detox in the sense of rebalancing encompassing eating habits, physical activity and sleep without imposing food restrictions that are too frustrating does not a priori present any risks for people in good mental and physical health. On the contrary, the overly restrictive detox can :

  • increase the risk of developing a eating disorder such as anorexia
  • aggravate an eating disorder that is already present (emotional hunger, etc.)
  • promote deficiencies (in vitamins, minerals, etc.)
  • increase the yoyo phenomenon with weight variations

It is advisable to consult a doctor in case of discomfort or difficulty related to food. It is also necessary to pay attention to food supplements “revolutionaries”, always seek the advice of a doctor before considering a cure.

What are the contraindications to detox?

Be careful, not everyone can do a detox. “Detox is not recommended for people with certain pathologies such as diabetes or kidney failurebehavioral problems such as obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) or people prone to eating disorders (TCA)” warns our expert. Before initiating a detox, it is important to see a doctor who will decide according to the medical and psychological profiles of the possibility of initiating a detox and its methods of application.

Thanks to Nina Cohen-Koubi, nutritionist doctor in Paris.
