Spring brought tulip splendor to Oregon fields – look here for a flurry of colors

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The Woodburn-based family business festival has been around for over 30 years.

Yellow, red, purple for the unobtrusive. At the Wooden Shoe Tulip Festival, it’s hard to choose your favorite color.

Spring tulips last 1.5 months. The state’s largest tulip festival began 35 years ago when Iverson’s family decided to open the fields to the public. The family business has been supplying tulip tubers wholesale since the 1950s. Belongs to the owner family Barb Iverson says that a variety of languages ​​can be heard among visitors.

– We list the locations of visitors. Last year, visitors from 50 U.S. states accrued visitors in four days. A total of guests from 130 countries, some wearing their national costumes in the fields, explains Barb Iverson.

There are poor tulip plantations on an area of ​​16 hectares.
