Spotlight hour today with Nidoran and Bonbon Bonus

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Spotlight Hour with Nidoran (m) starts today, August 23rd in Pokémon GO. We’ll show you what bonuses there are and whether you can catch Nidoran (m) as Shiny. So you are well prepared for the event.

What is this event? Spotlight Hour starts every Tuesday in Pokémon GO. In the evening, this type of event is active for an hour and focuses on the event Pokémon with many spawns. There is also a bonus that is intended to make the event even more attractive.

Today you often encounter the male form of Nidoran in the wild. It belongs to the Poison type and is from the first generation of the game. Its advancements are Nidorino and Nidoking.

Spotlight Hour on August 23 – Launch, Bonuses, Shiny

When does it start? The starting shot is at 6:00 p.m. local time. The event is active for one hour and is then expected to end again at 7:00 p.m.

What bonuses are there? For sending Pokemon, you get double the amount of candy. This counts not only for male Nidoran that you send during the event, but for all specimens.

You can find spawns of Nidoran (m) almost everywhere in the wilderness. Lighting a smoke can further increase the number of these spawns.

Is there Shiny Nidoran (m)? Yes, you can catch the Shiny version of Male Nidoran in Pokémon GO. If you’re lucky, you’ll get a copy at Limelight Hour.

Shiny Comparison of Nidoran (m) – Below the Shinys

Who is Limelight Hour for?

Male Nidoran and their evolutions are not very strong in Pokémon GO. Nidoking is not as good as Nidoqueen. In the ranking list for trainer battles, Nidoking can be found in the lower midfield of the super and hyper leagues. These Pokémon are also not particularly suitable for attackers in raids.

Above all, use the spotlight hour to tidy up your collection and send Pokémon to get lots of candies.

The dates for the Community Days in September, October and November have been set.
