Spotlight hour today with Dummisel and stardust bonus

In Pokémon GO, the spotlight hour with Dummisel starts today, November 21st. You will also receive a bonus that gives you more stardust. We’ll show you everything about the times, bonuses and shinys here in the guide.

What kind of event is this? Tuesday is the day on which there is always a spotlight hour in Pokémon GO. In the evening, the event is active for 60 minutes and focuses on a Pokémon selected by Niantic along with a bonus. Every week the combination of monsters and bonuses changes.

In today’s spotlight hour you will meet the Pokémon from the second generation of the game. It belongs to the Normal type and has no further development.

Spotlight Hour on November 21st – Launch, Shiny and Bonuses

When does it start? A spotlight hour in Pokémon GO begins at 6 p.m. It is then active for one hour and ends again at 7:00 p.m.

Which bonuses are active? During events of this type, you will find the Spotlight Pokémon, in this case Dummisel, much more often in the wild. It will appear for you almost on every corner. If you want even more encounters, you can light smoke to attract more Pokémon.

You will also receive double the amount of stardust for catching Pokémon.

Today is the third spotlight hour in November 2023. Another event of this kind will take place later this month:

Can you catch Shiny Dummisel? Yes, the dazzling version of Dummisel has been active in the game for a long time. If you’re lucky, you’ll find it during the event today. But keep in mind that the chances of this are not increased.

Is today’s spotlight hour worth it? As an attacker, you can safely ignore Dummisel. It has no progression and is irrelevant to combat. That’s what the stardust bonus is good for. During the event you will meet a lot of Pokémon and can therefore make good use of the bonus on catches.

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