Spotify Raised Prices! – Cepholic

Spotify Raised Prices Cepholic

Spotify, the most popular music listening application today, announced that it has increased its Premium subscription fees. Subscription prices from today 15% there will be an increase.

There are many applications in the world for people to have a good time and have fun. Of these, the most downloaded by music is the Spotify application. Spotify, which has millions of users both in our country and around the world, has increased its subscription prices as of today.

In addition to the ongoing economic problems in the world, there is a constant increase in subscription prices due to exchange rate fluctuations in our country. In the past days, the Apple Music application on the side of music platforms has also increased its subscription fees. Not long after, the Spotify app announced that it had increased its subscription fees.

Spotify new subscription fees are as follows;

  • Individual subscription package: 20.99 TL
  • Duo pack: 27.99 TL
  • Family package: 34.99 TL
  • Student package: 10.49 TL

Spotify with Apple Music The rivalry between them continues fiercely. Earlier this year, Spotify had hiked its subscription fees and decided to hike again in the second half of the year. Apple Music, on the other hand, increased its prices last April.

YouTube Music on the market 2019 Even though he has been around for years, he still hasn’t been able to achieve the performance he wanted. Especially with its affordable prices, it attracts a lot of attention. YouTube Music, implements many new strategies to increase the number of users.

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