Spotify is working on a “Deluxe” subscription plan

Spotify is working on a Deluxe subscription plan

Continuing to be the leader in the online music market Spotifyaccording to official confirmation, on the “Deluxe” subscription plan working.

In the past hours Spotify, which we learned has reached 626 million monthly active users, via the “Deluxe” subscription plan, which will reportedly cost $17 or $18 per month First of all, higher quality music (HiFi) will present. The plan, which is also expected to bring additional control options and artificial intelligence capabilities, has not yet been announced when it will be available. Spotify has previously attracted attention with a Podcast-focused comment system. The company, which aims to strengthen the connection between listeners and content creators with its comment system, will hide comments by default. For this reason, content creators, They will need to individually approve the comments they want to appear under their podcast episodes.. Creators will be able to enable comments for their entire shows or for specific podcast episodes. There will also be the option to disable the comment feature entirely. Creators in select countries will be able to manage comments via the Spotify for Podcasters web app starting today. The infrastructure will be rolled out to everyone over time.


Spotify previously tested emergency alerts in Sweden made a splash with its start. Currently offering music, podcasts and audiobooks to its users Spotifyis preparing to add emergency alerts or notifications to these soon. According to the signals found in the codes of the Spotify application, the company is planning to notify you of events such as accidents, major natural events or interruptions of important services. is developing a system that will help convey official announcements regarding situations to people. This system, which is initially reported to be offered in Sweden, is not certain but may be rolled out to other countries in the future. With this service, people can get real-time information about very important topics while listening to music or a podcast.
