Spotify is also starting to offer video courses on different topics

Spotify is also starting to offer video courses on different

Continuing to remain the biggest name in the online music market Spotifyvideo courses on different subjects will also be available soon. will present.

Spotify has not been a company that has focused only on music for a long time. It’s been on the platform for a while podcasts And There are also audio books, Now it is announced that educational video content will be hosted. The company has started to test this process only in the UK for now and has started a new era for itself. It is stated that at this stage, content from BBC Maestro, Skillshare, Thinkific and PlayVirtuoso is used, two or three in each training. Includes free training video. Of course, it needs to be purchased to watch the entire training, with these contents that can be watched on both mobile and desktop. Spotify’s focus becomes broader. The company had made a splash before with its music video. Spotify In recent weeks, it started adding music videos to its mobile and desktop applications. This infrastructure is only in beta for now. Brazil, Colombia, Germany, Indonesia, Italy, Kenya, Netherlands, Poland, Philippines, Sweden And United Kingdom’It is offered in Turkey, and many markets, including Türkiye, are expected to be added to the process later. Offering a quick transition between music videos and regular songs, the company does not offer clips for every song at this stage, but it is announced that the catalog will be expanded quickly.


Spotify Before this, it was a strange “Song Fortune” It came to the fore with the feature named. This strange mobile-specific feature, called “Song Psychic” in English, It is based on answering users’ questions with music. The system, which can also generate interesting questions for you if you wish (it also has Turkish support), asks people which questions they want answers to when it is first opened and produces answers with different songs accordingly.

The company has prepared a special interface for this that can be called scary.While waiting for the HiFi package to be officially announced and not released even though it has been a long time, it is attracting reactions among users for being able to allocate resources to such incomprehensible features. Spotify, According to the official statement made in the past weeks, It has 602 million active users. This includes both free and paid premium subscribers, but more importantly, premium users are to 236 million has reached .
